The Technology Behind the
TigerFox® Immerse 360®
Total Immersion 3D Audio Delivered Now
TigerFox® uses the natural power of pure acoustics to instantly upgrade your present video games, music, and movies up to the performance level of three-dimensional live sound.
Without using electronics or digital processing, the patented TigerFox® Immerse 360® automatically corrects five serious sound reproduction problems that were not able to be corrected before.
This shockingly improves the audio quality, realism, sound positioning accuracy, and immersion of your games, music, and movies.
Answering your in-depth technical questions about:
1. What pure acoustics and the TigerFox® Immerse 360® is and how they work
2. How the Immerse 360 upgrades your music, video gaming and movies beyond electronics
3. How the Immerse 360 is different, helpful and valuable
4. How the Immerse 360 corrects 5 damaging electronic sound reproduction problems
5. How TigerFox’s pure acoustic technology outperforms:
- Full-surround movie theater systems
- Advanced headphones
- High-performance loudspeaker systems
- Multi-channel speaker arrays and soundbar systems
- Conventional surround sound systems like 5.1, 7.1, 9.1.4, 11.1.8, etc.
- Complex and expensive professional listening rooms
- And other high-performance audio technologies
This includes delivering best quality video game, music and movie experiences with:
1. Strikingly-Improved Sound Performance and Quality
The Immerse 360’s pure acoustic design delivers the authentic quality and feeling of live sounds occurring in the actual physical space around the listener in a natural, realistic and fully immersive way.
2. Exact Sound Positioning Accuracy
The TigerFox Immerse 360 uses the power of pure acoustics to reveal the accurate locations of each individual sound, note and nuance around the user, including micro subtleties of the surrounding ambient environment.

Pure acoustics allows players a competitive gaming advantage
For video players, for example, the Immerse 360 reveals and correctly pin-point positions every game sound, footstep and game clue around the player, latency-free and at its exact soundscape location, including its precise:
- Direction
- Distance
- Height, angle and
- Movement
3. Full-Surround Total Immersion Soundscapes
How the Immerse 360 reproduces accurate full-surround soundscapes and immerses the user deep within them in three high-resolution dimensions.
4. Three-Dimensional Live Sound Realism
Beyond other immersive and spatial audio playback technologies, the Immerse 360 delivers the intimate sensation of “physically being” within a 360-degree soundscape in real time.

5. An Entirely Pure Acoustic Experience
The patented TigerFox® Immerse 360® is an entirely new type, form, and category of upgraded three-dimensional pure acoustic audio experience.
- It recovers sounds and immersive experiences not able to be delivered with headphones or electronic sound reproduction technologies
6. Affordably Uses One’s Existing Content, Sources and Devices
The Immerse 360 design works with your existing video game, music and movie content, hardware, smartphones, streaming services, and surround sound media sources. And without needing updates, alterations, or added costs.
7. Upgrades Your Entertainment to Best Quality Total Immersion
The Immerse 360 uses pure acoustics to automatically upgrade all forms and formats of audio into best quality full-surround total immersion experiences. For example:
- Music: Music details and micro nuances are newly-revealed in full-surround that were never heard before in one’s favorite music content and sources.
- Video Games: Critical video game sounds are heard clearly and naturally at their precise individual locations. This helps especially first person players dominate their game by providing instantaneous precision and flawless accuracy.
- Movies: Not only movie soundscapes but live over-the-air broadcasts, television shows, music and streamed audio content are upgraded into high-resolution full-surround immersion experiences on the performance level of live sound.
With TigerFox – Experiencing Is Believing
To best understand this new total immersion pure acoustic experience and what has been missing in audio sound reproduction for the last 80 years, it is far better to personally experience the Immerse 360 for yourself with your favorite content and sources.
Limited Offer – 60-Day Trial
Detailed Explanations
Our struggle to clarify and adequately explain this totally-new pure acoustic technology and experience that has never existed before has resulted in much of the information contained in this document being new even to audio professionals.
Because of this, this “How Is This Possible?” page will attempt to be all-inclusive and detail answers to as many of your varied and complex technical questions as possible about the pure acoustic TigerFox Immerse 360 and the eight core principles that it’s based upon.
“Quick Links” and Key Take-Aways
Eight separate sections are independently included in this substantially detailed “How Is This Possible?” page. Full explanations are provided in one location and added sub sections are cross-referenced throughout this document.
Searchable “Quick Links”
Searchable quick links are provided to quickly switch from one major section to another.
These searchable links are accessible using the accompanying floating Table of Contents that is optionally added for desktops, portables and tablet use.
“Key take-away” summaries are provided at the end of most sections.
Some information is duplicated for your convenience
Because the eight sections are each considered separate sections, and because of the length and depth of information provided, some descriptive information and illustrations are repeated across the eight sections to avoid your need to go backward or forward.
Please let us know of any specific omission, incompleteness, or something that needs further explanation so it can be updated with added clarity as we go along.
Your input is most appreciated. Thank you.
How to UPGRADE your music, games and movies to the highest quality immersion experiences
Take advantage of the eight distinguishing principles of the patented TigerFox® Immerse 360®
To understand how the TigerFox® Immerse 360® pure acoustic technology delivers its unmatched level of audio realism, full-surround immersion, and best-quality 3D audio experience using only two speakers, the following eight principles will detail how the Immerse 360® makes this possible.
The Eight TigerFox® Immerse 360® Principles
The accompanying floating Table of Contents provides a “quick link” to each of the following 8 independent sections.
Principle #1 Faithfully experience video games, music and movies with the performance level of live sound.
Principle #2 Solves, corrects and removes FIVE serious sound reproduction problems including:
1. Corrects sound-damaging Crosstalk
2. Stops loudspeakers from losing and degrading up to 98% of their sound
3. Solves and removes Speaker-Room-Interaction
4. Removes the complexity, high cost and installation requirements of surround sound
5. Bridges the sound quality and realism gap between:
- Loudspeakers and headphones
- Stereo sound and surround sound
- 3D audio and live sound
Principle #3 The remarkable TigerFox musical instrument SOUNDBOARD delivers far better audio experiences.
Principle #4 The utilization of acoustically-flawless elliptical physics and the TigerFox® double ellipse design.
Principle #5 FIVE professional audio upgrading practices used in the design.
Principle #6 The transformation of the highly-complex and expensive audiophile listening room into a simple, modular and affordable pop-up design with improved audio quality. All in under 3 minutes
Principle #7 Immediately works with existing content, hardware and sources with no upgrades needed.
Principle #8 Uses a new pure acoustic wireless technology and sustainable cost-saving design.
Principle #1 – Faithfully experience video games, music and movies with the performance level of live sound
One of the first and most important acoustic goals and principles for high-performance sound reproduction is to stay faithful to the authentic original content, source and sound event.
This includes experiencing the audio qualities, positioning accuracy and full-surround immersive properties that are as close as possible to experiencing natural live sound itself.
Up until now, electronic technology attempts at reproducing full-surround audio and natural 360-degree soundscapes around a listener has resulted in:

Using a pair of headphones and hearing sound only physically around one’s ears.

Using a pair of speakers and hearing sound only from in front of them.

Using surround sound and hearing sounds from a few sound point speaker locations around the room.
Using Nature Itself to UPGRADE Electronic Audio Technology
With almost any two conventional speakers and the same original sound signals, the new TigerFox pure acoustic technology, for the first time in audio history, uses only natural sound itself to authentically deliver around a listener the complete original three-dimensional full-surround soundscape that’s naturally built-into virtually all music, video games and movies but that couldn’t be heard intact before or experienced in its entirety with prior audio or surround sound technologies.
This patented 100% pure acoustic TigerFox full-surround audio soundscape completely envelops the listener within a real physical hemisphere of holographically-delivered three-dimensional sounds presented around the listener like natural live sounds in real life.
This level of authenticity and realism that controlled precision pure acoustics automatically creates is a new experience that must be heard.
Electronic sound reproduction problems seriously limit your music, game and movie experiences
There are serious limitations with the electronics used over the last 80 years with it comes to realistically and accurately reproducing audio.
Electronic sound reproduction technologies, including:
- Headphones
- Loudspeakers
- Surround sound technologies
still rely exclusively on electronics and electronic components to reproduce sound.
The resulting effect, though impressive, is that electronic solutions have not been able to make your music, video games and movies sound like genuine live experiences.
No matter how many added speakers, new components, or complex and expensive electronic upgrades over the last decades, the integrity of true life-like 360-degree electronics-based full hemisphere surround realism has not been achieved for music, video game or movie audio.
Short 1, 2, 3 OVERVIEW of how electronic audio technologies are lossy and sound damaged
ALL headphone, loudspeaker and surround sound technologies damage your sound and have not been able to deliver authentic full-surround experiences.
The following 3 popular electronics-based audio technologies (headphones, loudspeakers and conventional surround sound) and their audio limitations are compared in this Principle #1 to the pure acoustic TigerFox immerse 360.
Briefly explained here (and more completely later on in this document) is how TigerFox uses pure acoustics to immediately correct multiple audio problems created by these 3 electronic sound reproduction technologies.
Further, how it uses pure acoustics to upgrade your content and sources to the performance level of live sound in real time.
The following examples are fully explained in Principle #2 below.
1. Why TigerFox is better than the best headphones

The Immerse 360 delivers a natural live sound experience.
Headphones deliver an artificial experience.
Headphones are required to have very small speakers that must be physically attached to one’s ears and head.
Because of this, headphone reproduced sounds are not physically delivered around one’s body like natural live sounds in the real world.
For example, except sounds that actually occur very close one’s ears, headphones do not and cannot factually position sounds:
- At any real physical location or distance away from the headphone user’s ears.
- In any real physical space directly in front or back of the headphone user.
- At any real physical height above or below the headphone user, including directly over the user’s head.
The result is real world sounds that physically do not exist next to one’s ears are artificially positioned by headphone sound reproduction technologies.
Loss of spatial integrity and realism from headphones
This result of this loss of natural live sound’s positioning integrity creates a real world believability and credibility gap in the music, video game and movie soundscapes that headphones try to convince you they physically create around you.
Most are surprised by the sounds and nuances they’ve missed by using headphones
Most people, including most audio professionals, cannot imagine how substantially this integrity and deliverability gap affects the content realism and playback experience of one’s music, video games and movies, including:
- How greatly it reduces and distorts the soundscape’s size, shape, depth and dimensionality
- How it creates a huge credibility gap and performance loss
- How it decreases the resulting value of their entertainment experience.
They do not realize the void until they experience the same sounds authentically reproduced around them in a real physical space.
This is what the TigerFox Immerse 360 does.
TigerFox delivers the authentic experience of full three-dimensional live sound
The TigerFox Immerse 360 delivers the same sounds that headphones do. But importantly, instead of delivering sounds using headphone’s small, ear-connected and confined speakers, TigerFox Immerse 360 uses pure acoustics to deliver those sounds in a natural, free and open physical space around the listener’s entire body.
The TigerFox® Immerse 360® COMPLETELY SURROUNDS the listener within a PERSONAL SOUND BUBBLE that envelopes their entire body.
Each sound is individually spatially suspended and authentically experienced in its own physical space. Exactly like sounds are experienced in our real three-dimensional physical world.
Unlike headphone sound reproduction, it uses no psycho-acoustics, “brain trick” methods or simulated phantom positioning
The acoustic differences between headphones and the Immerse 360 are immediate and shockingly clear.
2. Why TigerFox is better than the best loudspeakers and listening rooms

Loudspeakers and listening rooms lose and damage up to 98% of your sound
Loudspeaker sound is immediately damaged by Crosstalk before the audio is even heard by the listener.
Crosstalk damage is added to the serious quantity and quality loss produced by all loudspeakers when their sound is broadcast in all directions without control out into the surrounding room where up to 98% of their sound misses the ears of the listener.
There, most of the sound is further corrupted by sound damaging Speaker-Room-Interaction where random parts of the sound, after one or more reflections, find their way back to the listener as invisible:
- Out-of-sync sounds
- Broken pieces of off-frequency sounds, and
- Second and third order sound-delayed fragments
which have different volume levels and positioning locations than the original sounds
These foreign sound aberrations unavoidably mix at random points with the more pure direct sound heard directly from the speakers, damaging and degrading it further before it’s able to be heard by the listener.
The result is spatial corruption and a loss of up to 98% of the loudspeakers’ sound.
TigerFox automatically corrects sound damaging Crosstalk, the massive losses from loudspeakers and Speaker-Room Interaction
Because of the precision use and powerful performance of pure acoustics by the patented TigerFox Immerse 360, the audio damage and losses by Crosstalk, loudspeakers and the surrounding room are cancelled and corrected.
The audio benefits from the TigerFox Immerse 360 are substantial, universal and experienced immediately in real time with no latency.
How the TigerFox Immerse 360 uses pure acoustics to correct these problems and substantially upgrade one’s audio is fully explained in the next Principle #2.
3. Why TigerFox is better than the best surround sound systems

Soundscapes produced by conventional surround sound technologies are over 90% physically missing.
Sounds from conventional surround sound technologies can only physically arrive from a few speaker locations.
This leaves massive sound voids in between the speakers.
- Description Note: Current surround sound technologies are electronics-based systems.
- The TigerFox Immerse 360.in comparison, is a wireless pure acoustics-based system that upgrades current “surround sound” systems beyond electronics.
Electronics-based surround sound includes conventional surround sound playback systems like 5.1, 7.1 and 9.1.4 and other newer audio surround experiences like 3D audio, spatial audio, immerse audio, etc.
- For this document, electronics-based surround sound systems are all collectively referred to as “conventional surround sound” systems or simply “surround sound”.
Conventional surround sound setups normally use 5 to 7 speakers to try to create an entire 360-degree soundscape around the listener.
All sounds reproduced by conventional surround sound systems are physically limited to coming from their surround sound speaker locations.
The most popular surround sound systems use only 5 to 7 surround sound speaker locations to try to create a full 360-degree soundscape around the listener.
These 5 to 7 speakers, however, take up less than 10% of the 360-degree soundscape space surrounding the listener.
- This creates hot spots of concentrated sounds at these preset limited 5 – 7 speaker locations where all of the sound must physically arrive from.
- The rest of space around the listener, in between the 5 – 7 speaker locations, becomes a sound dead zone from which no sound is physically able to arrive from.
These large sound dead zones leave huge holes in the surrounding soundscape between the speaker locations that add up to over 90% of the soundscape space surrounding the listener where no sound actually exists.
A small number of fixed sound sources with sound dead zones
Unlimited, movable and seamless sound sources

The TigerFox Immerse 360’s pure acoustic design completely eliminates sound hot spots and dead zones.
TigerFox’s patented acoustic-only technology seamlessly-connects the authentic 360-degree audio soundscape around the listener using a true unlimited number of sound point locations.
This non-invasive pure acoustics-only design accurately reproduces sound signals in their original form as one continuously-connected soundscape, eliminating speaker hot spots and sound dead zones.
These and other electronics-based sound reproduction limitations, and how the TigerFox Immerse 360 solves and completely eliminates them, are fully detailed in the following Principle #2.
Also explained is how this pure acoustic result dramatically upgrades your music, games and movies.
As further explained in the below Principle sections, electronic sound reproduction problems from headphones, crosstalk, loudspeakers, the surrounding room, and conventional surround sound technologies reduce and damage the quality and positional integrity of your sound.
They prevent you from experiencing your music, games and movies like a natural live sound experience.
TigerFox’s 100% pure acoustic system presents audio truth in all 3 dimensions
Before it’s lost, obscured or damaged, the exclusive use of pure acoustics by the TigerFox Immerse 360 preserves, purifies, and upgrades the original true full-surround video game, music and movie soundscape presentation.
It authentically wraps it around you and brings it to life for the first time as a natural live sound experience.
The result creates the upgraded experience of a personal sound bubble of pure acoustics that surrounds you 360-degrees and puts you within a Super Sweet Spot of high-performance individual sounds – each one authentically-presented around you in real time from its own originally-positioned:
- Direction
- Distance
- Angle
- Height and
- Dimension
This delivers an immediate, striking and unexpected full sensory experience.
How the TigerFox pure acoustic system specifically does this is detailed in Principles #2 through #5
The TigerFox® Immerse 360® pure acoustic result allows you to fully experience your video games, music and movies like natural live sound.
Quick overview for game developers, artists, producers, and audio engineers
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The TigerFox Immerse 360 pure acoustic audio system also helps video game developers, recording artists, producers and audio engineers to hear, develop and deliver the highest quality audio products for their fans, followers, and clients.
It adds the real and spatially-purified experience of hearing each sound’s exact 360-degree location in its original 3D space in real time as originally produced.
This helps you to hear the audio work’s original integrity.
It provides the pure acoustic version of your audio work at each step of the production process from original production all the way to the end product, delivering it pure to your ears in all three dimensions.
By keeping each sound and nuance in its accurate 360-degree location in all three dimensions, the Immerse 360 adds the spatially immersive 360-degree sensation of “a being physically there experience” to the playback of one’s audio work.
- One of the primary differences, for example, that distinguishes a live event from a high-quality reproduction of that live event, is not only the sound quality. It is also the emotional energy from the surrounding live three-dimensional ambient space impacting the whole body in full surround.
- The Immerse 360 automatically provides this natural “entire body” sensory experience. One can clearly hear and actually feel each sound’s exact original location along with the original or originally-created acoustic ambience of the surrounding three-dimensional space.
The result is a more complete and authentic three-dimensional picture of the artist’s, game developer’s or audio engineer’s original work.
It delivers a spatially-accurate quality upgrade to your audio work that otherwise is lost or obscured during the sound reproduction process.
Audio professionals, learn more: (1.) on our Pro Audio Page, (2.) on the Special For Audiophiles section of our Music page, and (3.) in the following 7 principles detailed in this “How Is This Possible?” page.
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Experience Pure Acoustics For Yourself
Principle #2 – Solves, corrects and removes FIVE serious sound reproduction problems
The patented pure acoustic TigerFox Immerse 360:
1. Corrects sound-degrading Crosstalk
2. Stops loudspeakers from losing and degrading up to 98% of their sound
3. Solves and removes Speaker-Room-Interaction
5. Bridges the sound quality and realism gap between:
- Loudspeakers and headphones
- Stereo sound and surround sound
- 3D audio and live sound
Extra space is provided in this section to fully explain these five sound reproduction problems
This Principle #2 is information dense and one of the most important Principles.
It explains in detail the five electronic sound reproduction problems and specifically how the patented TigerFox system and its pure acoustic design immediately solves and corrects them.
For your reference:
Problem 1 is explained below in Principle 2-1
Problem 2 is explained below in Principle 2-2
Problem 3 is explained below in Principle 2-3
Problem 4 is explained below in Principle 2-4
Problem 5 is explained below in Principle 2-5
Each problem is independent from each other and separately explained,
Sub-parts of each problem, included as background information, take extra time and space to fully clarify.
Principle 2-1 Corrects Sound Degrading CROSSTALK
During the playback of one’s music, video games and movies, many of the qualitative, spatial positioning and realism components of live sound are lost before they’re able to be heard and enjoyed.
This is the result of several different long-term sound reproduction problems prevalent in existing audio technologies like loudspeakers, headphones and surround sound.
One of these sound reproduction problems is the unseen but severe sound degrading problem called Crosstalk confusion or Crosstalk damage.
- Crosstalk damage is an inherent part of all loudspeaker sound reproduction. It damages the sound heard directly from two or more loudspeakers (This is explained in detail later in “DIRECT Sound”).
- Without lengthy details, during playback, the confusing audio “noise” created by Crosstalk muddles-up the music, game and movie sounds.
- It is largely caused by our ears and brain not being able to sort out the contradicting directional, distance and positioning confusion of hearing individual sounds – that in the real world only come from one specific 360-degree live sound location – but which during playback, arrives from two or more separated-apart loudspeaker locations.
Each sound will then have a slightly different time delay, and arriving from loudspeaker locations that probably were not the location of the original sound.

CROSSTALK component = blue lines
The result significantly reduces sound quality and immersion. It erases one’s ability to authentically hear one’s video game, music and movie sounds coming from anywhere else but the loudspeaker’s general location.
In short, Crosstalk degrades many of the authentic immersive qualities of live sound in your music, games and movies so severely that these live sound qualities are not able to be experienced.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 cancels Crosstalk and the audio quality damage it causes.
Principle 2-2 Stops Loudspeakers From LOSING and DEGRADING Up to 98% of Their Sound
GENERALLY, here’s how loudspeakers “lose” sound
Loudspeakers invisibly – but audibly – broadcast sound out into the surrounding room, horizontally, vertically, and all angles in between.
Because the sound is not constrained after it leaves the speakers, it spreads out to all areas of the room – even to areas in the room the listener is not in, or is able to access.

Top-down view showing the approximate horizontal only portion of a conventional speaker’s sound dispersion pattern
Loudspeakers disperse sound into ALL AREAS of the surrounding room without constraint
SPECIFICALLY, how loudspeakers LOSE and DEGRADE up to 98% of their originally pure sound and why this matters
The result of the speakers uncontrollably dispersing sound into a room is that only a tiny portion (about 2%) of the total sound produced by the speakers actually hits the listener’s two ears on a direct straight line between the speaker and one’s ears.
ALL the rest of the sound is uncontrollably broadcast out into the surrounding room in all directions away from a listener and completely misses the listener’s ears.

Nearly ALL loudspeaker sound MISSES the listener’s ears and becomes lost or damaged in the surrounding room.
DIRECT Sound (shown in red) and its Crosstalk component (shown in blue) go straight and directly to the listener’s two ears only.
Together they constitute only about 2% of the total sound emitted from conventional loudspeakers.
INDIRECT Sound goes everywhere else except directly to the listener’s two ears. It adds up to about 98% of the total loudspeaker produced sound.
It’s an important, but little-known fact that from the speaker’s location to the listener’s location, NEARLY ALL of the speaker’s sound is either absorbed, lost and never heard at all, or is damaged before it is even heard.
Sound becomes fragmented and damaged as it expands into a room
As the sound and the information content within it moves away from the speaker’s output points (for example, from the speaker’s sound producing tweeter and woofer) it expands.
- As it expands, because of the law of diminishing returns, it weakens (attenuates), loses power, becomes fragmented and distorted as it vibrates air particles, comes in contact with room objects, and spreads further away from the speaker.
- As it spreads out away from the speaker, the sound literally fills every square inch of the room’s space with various qualities and magnitudes of sound, with very little of it going directly to one’s ears.
ALL sound produced by ALL loudspeakers is either DIRECT Sound or INDIRECT Sound.
DIRECT Sound is heard straight and DIRECTLY from the speakers
The below image shows a top-down view of DIRECT Sound from one speaker. (For clarification, it is shown without its sound damaging Crosstalk component)
Direct Sound is the sound that extends in a narrow straight line from the output location of a speaker to the input location of one’s ears.

The image below shows a top-down view of DIRECT Sound from two speakers. (For clarification, it is shown without its sound damaging Crosstalk component.)

- Note: a side (or vertical) view (not shown) would show the same small straight red lines of DIRECT Sound between the speakers and listener’s ears, but would include the expanse of empty space above the listener’s ears to the ceiling and the expanse of empty space below the listener’s ears to the floor.
DIRECT Sound is highly valued sound
Although DIRECT Sound is only about 2% of the total loudspeaker produced sound, it’s the most highly-valued of all sound produced by the speaker.
DIRECT Sound is the most valued sound
It is highly sought-after by professional speaker manufacturers, sound mixers, serious gamers and audiophiles.
This is because DIRECT Sound is acoustically the purest sound and is experienced as the closest to real life sound.
But even pure DIRECT Sound is damaged before it’s heard pure
Unfortunately, however, as good as it is, even the best DIRECT Sound is substantially damaged before it’s able to be heard in its pure form.
This is because the small proportion of pure DIRECT Sound, heard directly from the speakers, (and the quality sound information within it) becomes compromised and damaged.
Among the things that acoustically damage DIRECT Sound before it’s heard by a listener, are the ever-present audio problems of Crosstalk (explained above); the speaker’s severely lossy dispersion pattern where most of its reproduced sound completely misses the listener’s ears; and by the very-difficult-to-manage sound corrupting problem of Speaker-Room-Interaction (these are further explained in the following INDIRECT Sound and the next sections)
INDIRECT Sound is ALL THE REST of loudspeaker produced sound that misses our ears on a straight line directly from the speakers
INDIRECT Sound is the substantially largest quantity and portion of speaker produced sound.
This large excess of left-over INDIRECT Sound (which varies by speaker location and is different in every room) when it’s all added up from every part of the room, is normally about 98% of all loudspeaker produced sound.
Indirect Sound is shown below in black and gray.

What happens to all this Indirect Sound?
Because INDIRECT Sound is NOT constrained as it spreads out away from the speakers, uncontrolled Speaker-Room-Interaction (detailed next) causes two things to automatically and immediately happen to the INDIRECT Sound:
1. It becomes LOST
ONE sizable portion of the speaker’s produced INDIRECT Sound – and the sound information in it – becomes LOST into the surrounding room, absorbed by the room and its contents and never heard at all.
2. Or, it becomes DAMAGED
The rest of the INDIRECT sound ends up being uncontrollably bounced around the room by Speaker-Room Interaction.
From almost every location around the room, this large quantity of INDIRECT sound is reflected back to the listener and unavoidably mixed into the DIRECT sound where it is then confusingly heard as different types of corrupted off-frequency and time-delayed INDIRECT sound fragments.
Principle 2-3 Solves and Corrects Speaker-Room-Interaction
WHAT is Speaker-Room-Interaction?
“Speaker-Room-Interaction” is caused by the speaker’s large INDIRECT Sound portion (detailed immediately above) being allowed to spread-out and uncontrollably circulate around the surrounding room with little or no constraint over where all this massive excess of Indirect Sound goes, or how it all ends up.
Unconstrained Indirect Sound becomes sound damaging Speaker-Room-Interaction
HOW does Speaker-Room-Interaction DEGRADE the quality, resolution, sound positioning and immersive value of one’s sound?
As it uncontrollably circulates around the room, the rest of the INDIRECT Sound, in addition to being lost and absorbed by the room, is reflected off the room and its contents in random directions and angles by Speaker-Room-Interaction.
There, it invisibly but physically and audibly interacts with the various elements of the room in different and substantial ways – such as with the room’s walls, ceiling, floor, windows, doors, furniture and virtually all surfaces and angles in that room.
What happens is, as the sound is reflected off different surfaces, each reflected fragment acquires a different time-delay characteristic, frequency level and sound signature.
The result of Speaker-Room-Interaction produces a large intermingling of invisible – but audibly heard – out-of-sync sounds, broken pieces of off-frequency sounds, and second and third order sound-delayed fragments that take on different audio volume and frequency levels.
The resulting Speaker-Room-Interaction conglomeration of scattered sounds and overlaid sound-damaged fragments are unavoidably:
1. Heard by the listener as damaged sounds and sound fragments.
2. Mixed-in at random points and at different time delays with the speaker’s DIRECT Sound that is heard directly from the speakers. This substantially damages this much smaller portion of relatively pure DIRECT Sound, degrading it before it’s able to be heard.
The result is the best quality high-resolution and 3D audio loudspeaker listening experiences are not possible when only a small proportion of pre-damaged “DIRECT” sound is actually heard by the listener directly from the speakers. And when by far the largest portion of the speaker’s “INDIRECT” sound is lost into the surrounding room or damaged by the surrounding room before it’s able to be heard.
The audio consequence of this is a significant loss and damage to virtually ALL of the sound produced by the speakers (both its INDIRECT and its DIRECT sound) notably after the sound has left the speakers and before it is able to be heard by the listener.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 STOPS one’s loudspeakers and the surrounding room from losing and damaging both the speaker’s INDIRECT and its DIRECT sound – critically before the loss and damage occurs.
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This results in an amazing immediate improvement to one’s sound quality, realism and immersion.
Learn how the TigerFox pure acoustic system does this by referring to: “How the patented TigerFox® Immerse 360® delivers the best quality full-surround 3D audio experiences” located further in this Principle #2.
Speaker-Room-Interaction and the loss, damage, and degradation of Indirect and Direct Sound are unnecessary when one considers the following often overlooked facts:
Direct sound and Indirect sound are, in fact, the SAME pure sound.
It is important, however, to consider that both Direct and Indirect sound originally start-out from the speaker as virtually the SAME PURE sound.
This means that BOTH Direct and Indirect Sound:
- Originate together at exactly the same time – from the same sound signals.
- Are produced together by the speaker and electronic equipment at exactly the same time.
- Leave the speaker together at exactly the same time.
- Are physically and seamlessly united together as one intricately-connected whole acoustic entity at every step before, and as they leave, the speaker.
- And, both have virtually the SAME original quality, resolution and potential to be heard as pure sound as they leave the speaker.
However, on the way from the speaker to one’s listening location, up to 98% of this originally pure Indirect Sound is lost, absorbed, or becomes damaged.
Damaged Indirect Sound then corrupts the Direct Sound before it has a chance to be heard in its original pure form.
EVERYTHING heard through loudspeakers becomes corrupted
As detailed, because of the combined problems of Crosstalk, loudspeaker sound loss into the room and Speaker-Room-Interaction, virtually all loudspeaker sound ends-up becoming lost or damaged before it’s able to be heard.

The result is a loss of sound quality, resolution, spatial positioning and three-dimensional immersion that’s naturally in live sound
The result of these losses not only degrades the sound heard from all loudspeakers, it also degrades all sound heard from all of the electronics, content and sources that are connected to and that use loudspeakers to reproduce their sound.
- To better understand what’s happening, consider that the loudspeaker is the LAST point of the electronic sound reproduction process. All sound must pass through it to be heard.
- Loudspeakers, therefore, automatically become the universal constriction point and limiting factor for every sound and detail heard from them.
- That is, what happens to loudspeaker sound – also ends up happening to ALL the content and source sounds that must pass through loudspeakers. This is irrespective of the type, cost and quality of the content or source.
INDIRECT sound is considered INFERIOR, DEFECTIVE and HARMFUL sound
As a result of the massive loss of Indirect Sound and the damage it normally causes to the original quality, positioning accuracy and natural realism components of sound heard by the listener, the following explains what experts commonly thought of loudspeaker-produced Indirect Sound.
Music lovers, audiophiles, serious video game players and even most professional audio content and sound source producers (who know audio, who pay for the best audio possible, and who need to get audio right) have confusingly thought Indirect Sound was:
- Irrelevant sound
- Bothersome sound
- Disposable sound
- Damaging sound
- Sound with little or no beneficial value.
Billions of dollars are spent to get rid of Indirect Sound
As a solution, many different commercial methods, devices, and practices have been purchased and employed over the past eight decades attempting to permanently:
- Neutralize this Indirect Sound away
- Absorb it away
- Electronically control it away
- And get rid of this excess quantity of unwanted, degraded and pure-sound-damaging Indirect Sound, and its resulting audio problems.
Important live sound qualities LOST when discarding Indirect Sound
Unfortunately, however, virtually all of these methods, devices and practices designed to get rid of this large damaged excess of Indirect Sound were, without realizing it, also throwing away the valuable content within it and inadvertently losing many of its important qualities of live sound.
These include:
- Live sound’s ultra-high-resolution quality
- It’s full-surround natural soundscape
- It’s exact spatial positioning of each sound
- The three-dimensional ambient details of authentic live sound
- The sensation of total immersion within a 360-degree live sound experience.
As further explained below, the original live sound quality, positioning accuracy, and three-dimensional realism carefully built-into video games, music, and movies become damaged and literally fall-apart on the journey from the speakers to your ears.
This is caused by the continuously-present sound reproduction problems of:
- Crosstalk
- Loudspeaker sound loss into the surrounding room
- Speaker-Room-Interaction
This Level of DAMAGE and LOSS are a TOTAL SURPRISE to most because it happens before the sound is even heard
Most people do not realize this loss and damage happens to their audio.
- This is because they’ve never heard their music, game and movie sound without the loss of up to 98% of their speakers’ sound, the damaging problem of Crosstalk (detailed above), and the audio problems caused by Speaker-Room Interaction.
- Consequently, listeners are not aware of the loss and level of audio damage caused by these problems and the live sound benefits they lose.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 STOPS this loss and damage before it happens
The patented 100% pure acoustic geometry of the TigerFox® Immerse 360® works in an entirely new and scientific way.
Instead of relying on electronics alone, the TigerFox Immerse 360 geometrically adds the natural sound enhancing power of pure acoustics.
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The TigerFox Immerse 360 Is a Radically OPPOSITE Technology
RATHER than concentrating its efforts on improving only the 2% of DIRECT Sound – TigerFox’s patented pure acoustic technology INSTEAD concentrates its efforts on:
1. Capturing, preserving and upgrading the 98% of lost, damaged and previously-discarded INDIRECT Sound.
2. Transforming this massive quantity of otherwise lost audio and damaged sound information into far improved audio quality, resolution, and full-surround three-dimensional audio experiences for those who love music, video games and movies.
HOW the patented TigerFox® Immerse 360® delivers the best quality full-surround 3D audio experiences:
Going beyond electronics, the geometric acoustical design of the TigerFox Immerse 360 creates an entire new pure acoustic category and dimension of improved full-surround spatial audio experience.
And it delivers it to the listener in three immersive live sound dimensions by synergistically integrating modern electronics with:
- Acoustically flawless elliptical physics. (explained in Principle #4)
- Exact time-aligned reflectometry. (detailed in this Principle #2)
- The thousand-year tested lessons learned from musical instrument soundboard technology. (explained in the following Principle #3)
- The full-surround immersion envelopment of Resonite, a modern high-performance audio and acoustic material. (explained in Principle #3)
TigerFox does this using the following pure acoustic combination:
1. Rather than discarding the large quantity and proportion of INDIRECT Sound like current sound reproduction systems, the TigerFox pure acoustic audio system instead captures, precision controls, and keeps this INDIRECT Sound pure:
- From the point it leaves the loudspeakers
- All the way to the listener.
2. This stops the enormous spoilage of the speaker’s INDIRECT Sound, prevents it from spreading-out in all directions, from becoming weak and losing power – and stops it from becoming lost, damaged, or corrupted.

The result protects and preserves the speaker’s INDIRECT Sound and continues to keep it, and the information in it, undamaged and in its original pure form – before it loses:
- Its quality
- Its spatial positioning accuracy
- Its natural three dimensionality
- Its live sound realism and nuances
- Its original integrity and value.
3. The TigerFox pure acoustics audio system then precision coordinates and delivers the captured INDIRECT Sound, and the individual sounds within it, undamaged and in its original pure form, to the proper front, side, back and overhead locations around the listener.
The individual sounds retain their exact original sound positioning around the listener as they originally were positioned in the music, video game and movie sound track.

TigerFox® Immerse 360® uses a pure acoustic-only combination of flawless elliptical physics, high-performance musical instrument soundboard technology, and precision time-aligned reflectometry.
4. Using just two speakers, the substantial quantity of purified Indirect Sound fills-in the sound gaps and holes left by other audio technologies, replaces the missing sound, and corrects the damaged sound.
This simultaneously stops and fixes multiple audio and sound corrupting problems, including it automatically:
- Cancels Crosstalk and its massive live sound positioning audio damage.
- Stops loudspeakers from losing up to 98% of their sound and the resulting damage to the quality and live sound resolution this causes.
- Timeline integrates both INDIRECT Sound and DIRECT Sound seamlessly together at the listener’s location in real time.
- Corrects Speaker-Room-Interaction and its high-resolution and live sound intimacy loss
- Recovers and fills-in soundscapes with their missing sound information. Upgrades them to best quality full-surround immersion experiences.
All the high-resolution, spatial qualities and immersive components of natural live sound are delivered to you intact as they were originally produced
5. The listener can now immediately experience:
- Purified and substantially-upgraded sound resolution and quality.
- The DIRECT and INDIRECT sound perfectly timeline integrated together and experienced as high-performance 3D holographic sound.
- Upgraded and filled-in full-surround soundscapes.
- Each individual sound is now exactly pinpoint positioned around the listener as originally positioned in their music, games and movies.
Using the patented TigerFox® pure acoustic design with the precision of elliptical physics, the Immerse 360® captures and delivers the otherwise lost and damaged Indirect Sound and the high-res quality information in it.
The result – TigerFox RE-INVENTS sound reproduction at its core
The pure acoustic technology of the TigerFox Immerse 360 design re-invents music, game and movie sound reproduction and enjoyment.
It transforms previously lost and highly degraded Indirect Sound into acoustically-pure, best experience and highly valuable Indirect Sound.

WITHOUT versus WITH the TigerFox Immerse 360
Vast quantities of sound that were lost and damaged are now captured and kept-pure – adding-in the important immersive components of natural live sound that were missing before.
This improves the quality and perceived full surround resolution of ALL sound and results in the sensation of a real three-dimensional live sound experience.
- The TigerFox design uses only the speakers’ excess sound, sound information, and sound energy after it leaves the speakers.
- This sound – and the information and energy within it – was always freely available, but was previously discarded in mass as damaged and low value.
Transforms previously discarded sound – upgrading it into ultra high quality sound and high-resolution 3D audio sound experiences
The purifying audio technology of the TigerFox Immerse 360 transforms this previously discarded sound – and the valuable live sound information and energy within it – into a holographic full-surround audio experience never before available nor provided by other technologies.
- The Immerse 360 stops and corrects multiple serious sound reproduction problems that were not able to be corrected before.
- In the process, it radically transforms the previous negative perception and low-value of Indirect Sound into being positively-beneficial and an indispensable component of sound reproduction.
- The listener can now accurately hear the audio content’s original 360-degree sound information, soundscape, and the exact physical location of every sound in one’s music, video games and movies.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 radically transforms poor quality and low value INDIRECT Sound into best quality 3D holographic sound.
This creates amazing results
Using TigerFox’s signature elliptical physics precision, the Immerse 360 combines and seamlessly time-line integrates the massive quantity of purified INDIRECT Sound (and the now undamaged sound information within it) with the DIRECT Sound it has Crosstalk-corrected.
The result delivers a 360-degree fully-integrated sphere of vastly improved sound, synchronized in real-time, and delivered physically around the listener in three full-scale dimensions.
KEY TAKE-AWAY – Why these corrections matter
By correcting the 5 audio problems detailed in this Principle #2, the patented TigerFox acoustical physics design ADDS:
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1. Strikingly-improved sound quality
- Music: Gain high-definition full-surround music, including newly-revealed details and micro nuances that were never heard before from your favorite music content and sources.
- Video Gaming: Experience critical video game sounds, cues, and details that are tactically-important to help you dominate and win the game.
- Movies: Enjoy full surround movie and home theater sounds that immerse you deep within the story that were not able to be experienced with electronic surround sound technologies
2. Exact sound positioning accuracy
Accurately pinpoint the exact spatial location of each individual sound, note and nuance around you in three dimensions, including:
- The direction and location of individual sounds and sound objects around you.
- The distance and angle from you of individual sounds and sound objects.
- The space between sounds and the separation of sound objects around you
- The speed, movement, and trajectory path of individual sound objects around you.
- The overhead position and elevation of individual sound objects.
3. Natural live sound realism
Clearly hear and physically experience different surrounding soundscapes in their natural full size along with:
- The natural physical ambience of the surrounding music, game and movie soundscape.
- The natural reverberation decay of individual sounds like hearing them within their natural surroundings
- Surrounding environment and situational cues, micro details and low-level acoustic nuances that couldn’t be heard before with other audio technologies.
You not only hear individual sounds and sound objects around you in their accurate separate locations – you feel their existence and physical presence in real time.
4. Total hemispherical immersion
The distinctive TigerFox Immerse 360 result completely envelopes the listener within a personal sound bubble of ultra high performance holographic sound.
This fully surrounds the listener in three real dimensions and puts them within a Super Sweet Spot that upgrades their music, video games and movies to high-resolution total immersion experiences.
This is fully explained in Principles #1 – #7.
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Your Two Loudspeakers DISAPPEAR as the Sound Source
Because the TigerFox® Immerse 360® simultaneously:
- Corrects sound-confusing Crosstalk.
- Stops a loudspeaker from losing or degrading over 90% of its sound.
- Integrates both speaker’s Direct and Indirect sounds together into one seamless three-dimensional soundscape.
- Removes Speaker-Room-Interaction that prevents off-frequency, time-delayed, and room damaged sounds from corrupting your listening enjoyment.
Result – More Realism, Accuracy, and Immersion
One of the amazing results is that your 2 loudspeakers when combined with the Immerse 360 disappear as the sound source of your games, music and movies.
- This means even though all sounds are physically reproduced from the 2 speakers located in front of you – each sound is now clearly heard arriving around you from its individual authentic location.
- The result is substantially more realism, accuracy and immersion in your music, games and movies.
“You’ve got sounds coming in from in front, from each side, from behind – even from above your head!”
“Sound you don’t even know you’re NOT getting”
“I was completely blown away!”
Patrick Snyder, Executive Director, BizStarts
An added result: this also UPGRADES the realism, accuracy and three-dimensionality of LOUDSPEAKERS. And ALL electronics, content, and sources played through them.

The Immerse 360 provides the authentic sensation of live sound positioning accuracy, realism, and immersion both horizontally and vertically 360-degrees around the listener.
And it adds this live sound realism to virtually all video games, stereo music tracks, and surround sound encoded movies with spatial content present in them, including past, present and future content, electronics and sources. All without the need to change, alter, update or purchase anything new.
- This includes the ability to automatically add new immersive 3D audio quality and the sensation of high-resolution live sound to the playback of older, even legacy content, formats, electronics, and sources going back over 70 years – without the need to digitally process, manipulate or change them in any way.
- For more information, refer to the above section: “By correcting the 5 audio problems detailed in this Principle #2 …”
TigerFox – A TRUE “LOSSLESS” Loudspeaker Technology
To date, when objectively compared to other loudspeaker technologies, the Immerse 360 is truly a “lossless” technology.
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Over the last eight decades:
- The massive loss of Indirect Sound due to uncontrolled broadcasting of loudspeaker sound out into the surrounding room has not been corrected.
- The damaging effects of loudspeaker Crosstalk on audio playback have not been corrected.
- The design of high-performance listening rooms and professional audio mix feedback stations have not improved enough to eliminate the problems of Crosstalk or massive loudspeaker sound loss.
- Nor have audio content or source providers been able to prevent the quality, sound-positioning, and resolution losses caused by conventional electronic sound reproduction technologies.
- These sound reproduction problems have continued regardless of:
– The quality or improvements of loudspeakers
– The choices of high-performance electronics now available
– The vastly improved resolution level of audio content
– The cost of electronic audio sources
– The careful precision arrangement of listening rooms.
Conventional electronic sound reproduction technologies continue to be plagued by these losses and limitations.
This is where the pure acoustic design of the TigerFox Immerse 360 becomes important.
It immediately corrects these audio problems and limitations before they happen.
How the TigerFox Immerse 360 does this is explained in this Principle #2
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Principle 2-4 Removes the Audio Problems, Complexity, High-Cost, and Installation Requirements of Surround Sound
Description Note: Current surround sound technologies include conventional surround sound like 5.1, 7.1, and 9.1.4.
And today they also include other newer audio surround experiences like 3D audio, spatial audio, immersive audio, etc.
For this document, these are all collectively referred to as “conventional surround sound” systems or simply “surround sound”.
Surround Sound
Now Dramatically Upgraded
Welcome to an entirely new level of never-before-experienced high-performance three-dimensional audio
Conventional surround sound speaker systems include:
- 5.1, 7.1, and 9.1.4 surround sound systems
- Full-surround movie theater system
- Multi-channel speaker array systems and sound bars
- Advanced multi-media home entertainment centers
Because these systems almost exclusively rely upon electronics to reproduce their “surround” sound, they have multiple levels of limitation. Many not previously discussed or explained.
The result, though impressive, has been that no matter how many added surround sound speakers, new electronic components, or complex and expensive electronic upgrades to conventional surround sound over the last 40 years, the integrity of true 360-degree electronics-based full-hemisphere surround realism has not been achieved for music, video game or movie audio.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 delivers acoustics in every direction around you that is so pure and perfect that it upgrades your surround sound experience beyond electronics
Full-surround 360-degree audio truth in three real dimensions.
Here’s 7 high-performance ways the pure-acoustic Immerse 360 upgrades surround sound to the realism level of three-dimensional live sound:
1. Completely envelopes listeners within ultra high performance multi-dimensional spatial audio.
2. Pinpoints the exact location of each individual sound in every direction, distance, height, and movement around the listener with ultra-high precision.
3. Creates full-scale holographic soundscapes 360-degrees around the listener in real time as created by the original event or sound engineer
4. Upgrades one’s movie audio, including streamed and live over-the-air broadcasts, into best-quality high-resolution 3D audio.
5. Discloses newly-revealed surrounding ambient details, micro nuances and lost sound information missed by other technologies.
6. Provides ultra high full-surround experiences not only to one’s movies, but to one’s music, video games, and virtually all stereo and other audio, without requiring updates, alteration or added costs.
7. Automatically delivers total immersion giving the intimate sense of being actually present within the movie, video game or music venue itself.
All using only two small low cost universal speakers, including your own.
The specific technical information and background about HOW TigerFox delivers pure acoustic quality and performance that’s a level above conventional electronics-based surround sound, even theater grade systems, is extensively detailed in Principles 1 – 8 in this Tech Page (How is this possible?)
The TigerFox® Immerse 360® preserves and delivers the original high-resolution FULL SURROUND presentation.
Audio Problems with Conventional Surround Sound Systems:
Conventional surround sound systems limit the realism, positioning accuracy, and immersion built into soundscapes.
Conventional surround sound systems:
1. Require all surround sounds to be limited to only a few surround sound speaker locations.
2. Create physical sound voids in the large areas between the surround sound speakers.
3. Lose most positional sound information before you’re able to hear it.
4. Damage the high-performance of sound with Crosstalk and Speaker-Room-Interaction.
5. Produce mostly low-quality mono sounds that lack the integrity and realism of dimensionality, depth and important natural ambient details.
Conventional 5.1, 7.1, and 9.1.4 surround systems further explained:
- 5.1 systems: The most popular surround sound system is 5.1. It has 5 individual electronic speakers positioned at 5 far-apart sound point locations around the listener.
- 7.1 systems: 7.1 is a more complex and expensive surround sound system. It has 7 individual electronic speakers positioned at 7 isolated sound point locations around the listener.
- 7.1.4 and 9.1.4 systems: Four added electronic speakers must be installed into the ceiling for newer, more elaborate, and more expensive 7.1.4 and 9.1.4 home theater grade surround sound systems.

Only a few actual speaker locations produce all of the “surround” sounds
In conventional electronic surround sound systems, despite any electronic audio tricks, the surround sound speakers produce all of the “surround sounds” from only their individual few speaker locations.
- For example, the most popular 5.1 and 7.1 conventional surround sound reproduction systems produce all of their “surround sounds” at 5 – 7 speaker locations.
- This means that all surround sounds are restricted to physically arriving only from these limited 5 – 7 speaker locations.
The limited number of surround sound speakers create sound “hot spots” at their individual speaker locations
Because conventional surround sound speakers are the physical locations where all surround sounds actually arrive from, “hot spot” clusters of concentrated “surround sounds” are created at their limited speaker locations

These hot spot speaker locations are fixed at one location only around the listener and are physically spread far apart from each other.
This creates sound dead zones between the speaker locations where no sound can physically come from.
Sound “dead zones” between surround sound speaker locations
During the sound reproduction process in conventional surround sound systems, huge unnatural holes and sound drop-off areas are left in the empty spaces between the surround sound speaker locations where no speaker or sound actually exists.
These are sound dead zones. They are physically empty of sound.

Because no sound can physically arrive to the listener from these sound empty spaces, conventional electronic sound reproduction technologies cannot truly physically position surround sounds within these large sound dead zones where there is no sound.

Conventional electronic surround sound is an attempt to piece-together an entire 360-degree soundscape around the listener using only 5 – 7 individual speaker sound points.

These sound dead zones substantially affect the physical integrity of soundscapes reproduced by conventional electronic surround sound systems.
- This is because the soundscapes are not able to be physically integrated around the listener like natural live sound or real life.
Instead, during the sound playback process, conventional electronic-based surround systems are required to unnaturally break-apart the soundscapes into a significantly few speaker locations which are widely distanced apart from each other.
Conventional surround sound leaves 90% of one’s movie soundscapes in a sound-dead void
The large gaps created at the empty spaces between the speakers in conventional surround sound systems, when added together, cover approximately 90% or more of the physical soundscape that horizontally surrounds the listener.
These large sound gaps in the surrounding soundscape are not limited to only a loss in the sound that horizontally surrounds the listener.
Sound dead zones created by electronic surround sound extend to all areas above and below the listener
Without adding more speakers in the sound empty spaces or into the ceiling, these large horizontal sound void areas are automatically extended to a complete sound dead zone in all other areas above, below and around the listener where there is no speaker or sound.
- This extends the sound dead zones in conventional electronic surround sound systems to all elevations, angles and sound movements around the listener where no speaker physically exists.
This causes most of the actual area around the listener that composes the soundscape to be physically missing.
What you LOSE when most of your soundscape is physically empty of sound
You lose many of the important components of an unbroken full-surround live hemispherical presentation.
These components are lost without the listener being aware of what has been lost and what is being missed.
These highly-valued missing live sound components, however, once they are actually experienced by serious movie enthusiasts, competitive video gamers and music lovers – they make a profound impact on the integrity of the spatial and immersive realism of the experience.
These integrity losses include the reduction of:
- Audio clarity, quality, and detail
- The sound’s original perceived resolution See: What is High Resolution? (The “High Res” Controversy)
- Realism and believability of a full-surround hemispherical soundscape as it was originally produced
- Authentic spatial positioning of individual sounds, including their accurate distance, height, three-dimensional depth and true movement around the listener.
- The experience of authentic live-sound immersion.
Time-delay errors, sound distortions and audio fidelity problems
Conventional electronic surround sound systems have audio time-delay, playback distortions and fidelity problems.
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This is because the left and right main speakers, the surround sound speakers, and the center channel are often:
- Not the same size, type, or quality level
– Different and smaller speakers than the main left and right speakers are often used for the “surround sound” and center speaker locations.
- Not powered by the same amplifier type, quality or power level
- Not correctly separated apart from each other.
- Not similarity height positioned above the floor.
- Not equally or properly distanced from the listener.
- Not able to be appropriately positioned in the room because of the room’s shape, structural restrictions such as doors or windows, and objects in the room like a couch or table.
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MONO sound limitations and the inability to turn COMMON STEREO into surround sound
- During the sound reproduction process, conventional surround sound speakers typically produce only mono sounds from their isolated speaker locations.
- Mono sounds cannot normally deliver stereo sound signals or content or sources that naturally provide a far wider and more immersive sound field.
- Conventional surround sound systems also do not work well with most off-the-shelf movies, music and video games distributed in universal two channel stereo, including current stereo content and stereo content going back 70 years.
This means vast quantities of original movies, music, and video games cannot be effectively played back in surround sound with conventional surround sound playback systems.
Correcting these surround sound losses is what the TigerFox Immerse 360 successfully does.
The TigerFox pure acoustic design automatically stops and removes:
- Sound hot spots around speaker locations
- Sound drop-off and dead zones between speakers locations
- Soundscape positioning errors in distance, location and height
- Audio quality and resolution loses
- Time-delay inaccuracies (latency issues) between Direct and Indirect sound
- Sound corrupting listening room effects (Corrects Speaker-Room-Interaction and stops sound information from being lost into the room) (Reference: Solves and removes Speaker-Room-Interaction)
- Audio distortions created by Crosstalk (Reference: Corrects sound-damaging Crosstalk)
- Lost sound information into the room
- Format, content, and source incompatibilities – works with them all – no need to upgrade any of them or purchase any new ones (Reference: Principle 7)
- The inability to experience a full hemisphere surround soundscape (Reference: Principle 2)
Conventional surround sound COMPARED to the pure acoustic TigerFox Immerse 360.
A small number of fixed sound sources with dead zones
Unlimited, movable and seamless sound sources

TigerFox delivers an unlimited number of factually-real individual sound point locations

TigerFox Immerse 360’s Patented Pure Acoustic Total Immersion Audio System
Most listeners are surprised when they learn how much of their entertainment experience has been lost and what they’ve been missing
Most movie buffs, video gamers and music lovers, including audiophiles and most audio professionals have never experienced audio or surround sound without significant electronic playback problems. They didn’t know what they were missing.
- They cannot imagine how substantially this loss of integrity and deliverability affects their movie, video game and music experiences.
- They do not realize how large of a gap this leaves in the surrounding soundscape. Nor what content they are missing. Until they experience the same sounds authentically reproduced around them in a real physical space.
How does a new added level of ultra-high-quality 360-degree pure acoustics improve your music, video games and movie experiences?
You gain a soundscape filled in 360-degrees around you with purified high-res 3D audio. This brings your soundscapes up to the performance and realism level of live sound.
The Immerse 360 authentically reproduces movie, video game and music soundscapes around the listener as one seamless gap-free tapestry of precision-positioned individual sounds that are each able to be experienced from any angle, direction, distance, height and movement.
And it delivers the full surround experience in real time.

TigerFox’s Immerse 360 delivers the authentic experience of full three-dimensional live sound
These soundscapes take the physical form of ultra high-resolution pure acoustics around the listener comprised of holographically-positioned three-dimensional sound.

Every sound, note, and nuance is perfectly synchronized to arrive around the listener at its Exact. Physical. Location.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 transforms audio into a full-surround three-dimensional soundscape.
Within this three-dimensional soundscape, the listener can now authentically experience their individual game, music and movie sounds and nuances, with each sound and nuance presented around them at its exact, originally-positioned:
- Direction
- Distance
- Angle
- Height and
- Movement
This is further explained in Principle #4.
Like thousands of individual speakers
The TigerFox Immerse 360 delivers the same sounds that conventional surround sound systems do.
But importantly, instead of delivering sounds electronically using a very limited number of fixed-in-one-location surround sound speakers, TigerFox Immerse 360 uses pure acoustics to accurately deliver to the listener those same sounds from not only hundreds or thousands, but an uncountable number of individual sound point locations.

Total immersion within an infinite number of individual sound point locations
Sound point locations anywhere – and at their proper locations
Within this full-surround “super sweet spot”, the Immerse 360 user, using just two speakers and the same sound signals, gains the acoustic results of using uncountable thousands of individual electronic speakers.
- No need for adding surround sound speakers, a center channel, added amplifiers or wires.
- And no need for special electronic hardware, software, any upgrades or added costs.
Moving sounds are free-to-move anywhere smoothly
With conventional electronic surround sound technologies, moving “surround” sounds must physically “jump” the empty sound gaps between the far-apart and rigidly-positioned surround sound speaker locations.
This is because, with conventional electronic surround sound systems, no sound can physically come from the sound void areas between the surround sound speakers, as well as all areas, locations or directions where no speaker or sound exists.
Accurately positioning moving sounds is important for a more realistic experience
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Sound voids that exist in conventional surround sound systems in most directions and heights around the listener where no speaker exists is the main reason for needing ceiling speakers to help fill in these sound gap areas.
- They are needed in conventional surround sound to help make sounds that occur above the listener, especially moving sounds, be noticed as occurring from realistic height locations.
The presence of sound voids where no speaker exists especially limits the positioning accuracy and integrity of moving sounds in movies, video games and all types of modern music. This is because:
- Realistic movie sounds that appropriately move in locations they were meant to be and move are important to serious movie fans.
- Likewise locationally-accurate video game sounds that move in precise locations around the gamer are critically-important especially to first-person competitive players where winning the game often depends on the continuous accurate positioning of game sounds.
- Full-surround immersive music sounds that have the ability to move around the listener as produced puts the music enthusiast within the original music experience itself. It makes the difference between a good audio playback experience and a believable live sound playback experience.
For more information on:
- Movie experiences with the TigerFox Immerse 360, visit our “How To Best Experience Movies” page.
- Video gaming experiences with the TigerFox Immerse 360, visit our “How To Upgrade Your Game Experience?” page.
- Music experiences with the TigerFox Immerse 360, visit our “How To Best Experience Music” page.
The pure acoustic TigerFox Immerse 360 audio system corrects moving sound limitations.
Unlike the sound reproduction void areas and sound positioning limitations built-into all conventional electronic surround sound systems, with the pure-acoustic Immerse 360, sounds, sound objects, and moving sounds are not fixed or limited by the location of limited number of surround sound speakers.
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Instead of relying on surround sound speaker locations to position or locate sounds, the TigerFox Immerse 360 uses pure acoustics to authentically position sounds, sound objects, and moving sounds around the listener at their precisely-accurate true locations.
The exclusive use of precision three-dimensional pure acoustics by the TigerFox® Immerse 360® preserves the truthful original full surround presentation and upgrades it before it’s lost, obscured or damaged.
TigerFox’s 100% pure acoustic system delivers the truthful original soundscape in three real dimensions
Result: The authentic full-surround presentation in real time
Using precision pure acoustics, the TigerFox Immerse 360 is able to automatically position all sounds accurately around the listener using the exact same original soundscape, full-surround ambient energy field, and sound locations that was originally recorded or built-into movies, video games and music by the artists and sound engineers.
No psycho-acoustics, “brain trick” methods or simulated phantom positioning
- Unlike conventional electronic surround sound, the TigerFox Immerse 360 pure acoustics system does not rely on, or need to use, artificial positioning devices such as psycho-acoustics, “brain tricks” or other simulated phantom sound positioning methods.
- With the Immerse 360, all sounds are able to be positioned and freely move gap-free anywhere around the listener, with authentic accuracy. And without loss of audio quality, location or live sound realism.
To deliver this level of realism, precise accuracy, and authenticity, the TigerFox design uses a patented acoustic-only technology that’s non-invasive and that reproduces the original sound signals in their pure form.
This preserves, purifies and upgrades the original true full-surround movie presentation and authentically adds it in three dimensions around the listener, for the first time, as a natural live sound experience.
This high-performance full-surround movie experience is also automatically added with the Immerse 360 to most video games and audio music – equally transforming them during playback into best-quality full-surround three-dimensional experiences.
How the TigerFox Immerse 360 pure acoustic audio system specifically solves 5 serious sound reproduction problems, how it corrects them, and how removing them from your playback vastly improves your multi-media experiences is explained in this “How Is This Possible?” page at detailed different locations.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 surpasses conventional surround sound in:
- Three-dimensional sound quality
- Live sound realism
- Exact sound positioning accuracy
- Original soundscape preservation and 3D delivery
- Tracking of moving sounds around the listener
- Revelation of otherwise hidden sound nuances
- Total immersion
The result is the authentic full-surround presentation of a natural live sound experience that, in comparative listening tests, was found to provide a $200,000 audio experience that outperforms:
- 5.1, 7.1, and 9.1.4 surround sound systems
- Multi-channel speaker array and sound bar systems
- Advanced headphones and in-ear headgear
- Spatial audio, 3D audio and immersive audio playback systems
- Full-surround movie theater systems
- Professional audiophile listening rooms
The Immerse 360’s ease of setup REPLACES the pain points of setting-up conventional surround sound systems
Conventional surround sound setups are complex, expensive and need permanent room space.
Normally, to achieve a satisfactory performance level for a conventional surround sound system, one faces a complex, difficult, expensive, and time consuming struggle.
This is because of the normal conventional electronics-related surround sound purchasing decisions, locational configurations, and their complex installation requirements.
Plus their extensive wiring requirements and need for permanent room space that often takes up a whole room.

With TigerFox, two speakers and the Immerse 360’s pure acoustic delivery system replaces any number of surround sound speakers, their wiring requirements, and permanent room space, including the need for a center speaker and subwoofer.

The TigerFox Immerse 360 is simple, stress-free, portable and affordable.
TigerFox’s pure acoustics technology and the Immerse 360’s pre-configured pop-up design deliver a shockingly immersive pure acoustic full-surround audio experience.
At the same time, it eliminates the difficulty, high expense and room space requirements traditionally associated with conventional surround sound systems.
Entirely unlike conventional and home cinema “surround sound” setups, the TigerFox Immerse 360’s simple pure acoustic design pops-up in 3 minutes with guaranteed perfect high-resolution surround sound results every time, even from those unfamiliar with high-performance audio.
Quick, pre-configured setup and portable design frees-up valuable living space

Using just two speakers and its pop-up under 3 minute set-up, the audio precision of the pure acoustic TigerFox Immerse 360 provides uninterrupted continuous-surrounding holographic sound fields, sound stages, and soundscapes.
Existing content, including all stereo sound, is immediately transformed into true three-dimensional full-surround experiences.
Conventional surround sound content and stereo formats, electronics and sources – all work as-is with Immerse 360
Using the TigerFox pure acoustic delivery system allows the Immerse 360 to automatically provide high-res full-surround three-dimensional compatible results to virtually all conventional movies, video games, music, and live over-the-air broadcasts with full backward compatibility.
This means surround sound lovers can immediately achieve pinpoint-accurate full-surround 3D audio results without requiring new surround sound formats, apps, electronic sources, upgrades, or added costs.
This includes even working perfectly with standard two-channel stereo as its sole audio source.
And the results are in real time with no added latency.
Works with newer streamed and older surround sound content and sources
The audio precision of the Immerse 360 pure acoustic design works with streamed and different quality levels of older electronic surround sound equipment including 30 year old surround sound legacy content and sources.
So listeners can automatically enjoy full 3D surround sound from their favorite movies, video games and music made years ago just as easily as from the present.
How the TigerFox pure acoustic delivery system does this
- As explained in different locations in this “How Is This Possible?” page, the Immerse 360 itself is 100% pure acoustic-powered.
- And, as such, it works its signature audio improvements only after the sound physically leaves the speakers.
- It, therefore, does not touch, interfere with, or alter any electronic sources or content before or during the electronic sound reproduction process itself.
- The result is universal compatibility with virtually all electronics, content and sources.
Specialized surround sound content and high-end sources also work
The pure acoustic Immerse 360 also works equally well with specialized surround sound electronics, high-end surround sound content, sources and limited surround sound formats.
- These special surround sound upgrades are normally restricted to being experienced only with complex and expensive electronic surround-sound playback equipment, advanced surround-sound head worn devices, very limited content, and exceptionally specialized media.
- However because of its pure acoustic delivery system, specialized surround sound versions, including specially-recorded surround sound movies, new audio formats, high multi-channel number surround-sound media, audiophile hardware, sources and content work with the TigerFox Immerse 360 without upgrades, new media, or additional costs.
Upgraded surround sound experiences without the pain points of conventional surround sound systems
The TigerFox Immerse 360 immediately delivers – and guarantees an unmatched 360-degree high-resolution “surround sound” experience – without needing any of the following equipment, software and setup pain points traditionally associated with purchasing, installing and using electronic-based surround sound systems:
- No required surround-sound speakers, no center channel speaker and no special array system speakers.
- No surround sound wires, cables and cords
- No new or special surround-sound hardware or electronics to deal with
- No special surround-sound boxes or power amplifiers.
- No new surround-sound file formats, media or content required.
- No lengthly or confusing “surround sound” set-up requirements, no measurements or guesswork, no tools, no hassles, and no wasted time.
- No installation of surround-sound speakers, surround sound speaker wires, equipment or connecting cables.
- No limitation to only mono sounds.
- No hot spots or limited sound point positions.
- No pieced-together soundscapes that leave large audio drop-out areas or sound “dead zones”
- No restriction to a horizontal-only soundscape.
- No loss of overhead positioned sounds or moving sounds
- No psycho-acoustics, “brain trick” methods or simulated phantom positioning.
- No added sound-damaging latency, sound delays, frequency variation, or fragmented audio.
- No restriction on using digital or analog surround sound playback devices.
- No compatibility issues. Works with conventional stereo, surround sound, including special content and sources.
- No electricity is used. Naturally wireless pure acoustic design.
- No “dedicated” room or space required to achieve professional-level full surround music listening results.
- No sound absorbers or other acoustic room treatments are needed.
- No need to purchase or add any special surround sound software, content, media, sound sources or components.
- No hidden surround-sound expenses or additional costs.
- No upgrades of anything required.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 result upgrades the full-surround movie, video game and music experience beyond what other audio technologies can physically deliver.
“I was not expecting this dramatic of a difference”
“This improves the entire experience”
Mick S. Music Producer
With the Immerse 360, almost any pair of stereo speakers automatically deliver ultra-high performance full-surround three-dimensional soundscapes.
Principle 2-5 Bridges the Sound Quality and Realism Gap Between Headphones and Loudspeakers
The fifth problem the TigerFox® design solves and acoustically corrects – is the large sound quality differences between headphones and loudspeakers.
The patented immerse 360® bridges that sound quality gap, while adding the positioning accuracy of high-resolution live sound, three-dimensional realism, best quality surround sound enjoyment and total 360-degree immersion.

- Even though headphones and loudspeakers both use essentially the same content and sound sources, their sound reproduction technologies reproduce and deliver content differently. As a result, they also sound different from each other.
- Each has its own set of unique sound quality and realism advantages and its own unique set of sound quality and realism limitations.
For example, instead of hearing your music, games and movie content between your ears like headphones or linearly in front of you like loudspeakers, you’re now given a genuine next-generation live sound experience that physically surrounds you in high resolution on all sides.
- The physical realism and sound positioning problems of HEADPHONES are discussed in the “A Little Background on Headphones” page.
- The audio quality, sound positioning and lossy content problems of LOUDSPEAKERS are presented throughout this Principle #2.
How TigerFox “bridges-the-gap” between headphones and loudspeakers
The same precision acoustic design and time-aligned quality improving audio technology used by the TigerFox Immerse 360 to simultaneously solve and correct the above four sound reproduction problems, also automatically bridges the sound reproduction gap between headphones and loudspeakers.
By solving four serious reproduction problems, detailed throughout Principle #2, the Immerse 360 provides the audio quality and realism advantages of both headphones and loudspeakers, without assuming the acoustic disadvantages of either.
In simple terms, this means the Immerse 360 COMBINES:
1. The advanced performance spaces that were previously restricted to special audio headphones that normally do not work well with loudspeakers.
For example, the special spatial recording mic techniques like 3D audio, binaural and “dummy head” recordings including special headphone only playback techniques and sound-to-ear devices like head related transfer functions (HRTFs).
2. And ADDS the loudspeaker’s palpably-real feeling and immersive presence of natural sound, their room-filling expanded soundscapes, speaker selection options and their live sound advantages that headphones are physically not capable of delivering.
Bridging the enormous incompatibility gap between different formats, content and sources – works with them all.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 delivers automatic, immediate and unlimited compatibility with virtually all audio formats, content and sources.
Because the TigerFox Immerse 360 itself is uniquely 100% pure acoustic-powered, it is completely free of the ever-present audio playback incompatibilities, format problems, lack of content, and added cost requirements that are associated with electronic audio technologies and their improvements.
This universal music, video game and movie playback advantage is fully explained in “Unlimited Immediate COMPATIBILITY” in Principle #5 and Principle #7.
KEY TAKE-AWAYS from Principle #2
The Immerse 360 delivers the spatial sound positioning accuracy, realism, and three-dimensional immersion of LIVE SOUND
HOW correcting five sound reproduction problems affects your music, video games and movies:
By correcting five previously unsolvable audio playback problems detailed here in Principle #2, the Immerse 360 immediately delivers:
1. The genuine excellence and sensation of best quality live music, video games and movies physically happening 360-degrees around you in a natural, realistic, and fully-immersive way.
2. The ability to clearly pinpoint the exact location of each individual sound, note and nuance in every direction and distance around you with ultra-high precision.
- Individual music, game and movie sounds are distinctly separated-apart and time-line synchronized in real time.
- They’re then delivered and experienced around you at their accurate physical location, direction and distance with high-resolution positioning as created by the original event or sound engineer.
3. The enjoyment of experiencing your favorite content and sources with unexpected clarity and best quality full-surround realism
- This includes newly-revealed details, micro nuances and three-dimensional ambient information missed by other technologies.
4. The intimate sense of being spatially physically present inside different surrounding soundscapes in their full three-dimensional size.
And, these special best quality live sound additions are delivered using only two conventional speakers, even ones you already own.
The result automatically upgrades the audio performance quality, sound positioning accuracy and realism of your music, games and movies.
This gives them a new level of total three-dimensional immersion – making them come-alive around you like an actual live sound experience.
The five serious music and sound reproduction problems the TigerFox Immerse 360 solves, and the details on how it corrects them, are included in the above Principle #2.
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Principle #3 – The remarkable TigerFox musical instrument SOUNDBOARD delivers a “Stradivarius-Level” audio experience
A little background on musical instrument acoustic Soundboards
IMPORTANT UNDERSTANDING – The (non sound producing) surrounding acoustic SoundBoard component of the world-famous Stradivarius violin is what actually creates its impressive sound – and its $2,000,000 dollar value – NOT the strings that produce the sound itself (which are of low value and are interchangeable).
The surrounding acoustic soundboard is an inseparable and important component of most classical stringed and reed musical instruments.
Its development, in fact, is the key to exceptional and immersive sound on many of these finely-crafted instruments.

Both the Immerse 360 and many classical musical instruments share the same valuable utilization of the time-proven surrounding acoustic soundboard design and structure.
Both apply the acoustic soundboard around a specific sound producing device to greatly improve the sound quality, perceived resolution and acoustic performance of that sound producing device.
Three ways acoustic soundboards improve sound – even though they don’t produce sound themselves
Often taken for granted, acoustic enhancing soundboards evolved over thousands of years of trial and error by testing and applying different shapes, sizes and materials in different ways to a variety of sound producing devices.
Acoustic soundboard technology teaches that when a finely-crafted soundboard is appropriately precision positioned around sound-producing devices like strings or reeds on early musical instruments, the result improves sound and makes it FAR MORE revealing, impressive and enjoyable than the original sound heard from the sound-producing device by itself.
The important lesson is that the soundboard can greatly improve sound quality, perceived resolution and overall acoustic performance – even though the soundboard does not produce sound itself.

Without the surrounding soundboard, the strings alone on the violin would not be able to produce such quality level of sound.
put a box around the below section
How the surrounding acoustic soundboard greatly improves the quality of sound producing devices
Irrespective of their odd shapes, sizes, the materials used and their very different appearances, there are three important reasons for adding an appropriate surrounding acoustic soundboard to sound-producing devices. These are:
1. To precision capture the sound from the producing device immediately after it’s created.
2. To carefully control the sound, authentically preserve it, and keep it pure.
3. To accurately deliver the upgraded original sound to the listener.
All before the sound has a chance to spread out, become unstable, and lost.
To effectively do this, acoustic soundboards:
1. Seamlessly enlarge the original sounds of the producing device which, by themselves, are muted and hard-to-hear in a free-air environment.
2. Authentically reveal the real sound of the sound producing device to the human ears, including its many subtle acoustic details and hidden ambient nuancesthat are otherwise not heard or experienced.
3. Greatly improve the sound quality and enhance the overall acoustic experience enjoyed from the sound-producing device.
For example, a classical musical instrument (violin) applies a carefully-designed surrounding acoustic soundboard around its sound producing strings to greatly improve the sound quality, resolution and acoustic performance heard from the strings.
The combined overall structure of both a sound-producing device surrounded by a properly-designed precision acoustic soundboard achieves the ultimate acoustic experience for the listener.

Adding a surrounding acoustic soundboard creates a FAR more revealing, impressive and enjoyable sound than the sound heard from the sound-producing device alone.
How the acoustic soundboard actually works surprises most people
First and foremost – even though they produce the sound – it’s NOT the strings on the violin that actually make the violin musical instrument sound remarkable or create its value.
Instead, surprisingly, it’s the extraordinary acoustic ability of the NON-sound producing surrounding acoustic soundboard that actually creates the impressive sound we hear.
Consider the $2,000,000 Stradivarius violin

The surrounding acoustic soundboard on the Stradivarius violin actually creates its impressive sound – and its multi-million dollar value.
The priceless acoustic soundboard on the Stradivarius violin actually provides its exquisite sound quality, resolution and performance – and produces its resulting extraordinary monetary value – not its sound-producing strings.
The sound-producing strings, in great contrast, are interchangeable, of low value, and easily replaceable.
It is helpful to understand that ALL LOUDSPEAKERS are fundamentally sound producing devices, but much more sophisticated and complex present-day electronic sound producing devices
Fusing Acoustic Soundboard Technology with Modern Electronics
Precision-designed soundboards are able to IMPROVE sound producing devices – including violin STRINGS AND audio SPEAKERS
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The valuable take-away about music instrument acoustic soundboards and the Immerse 360 soundboard
- The carefully developed precision design of the surrounding musical instrument acoustic soundboard on a violin automatically forces the original basic sounds – and the otherwise weak and hidden sound nuances of the sound producing strings – to reveal themselves and become more pleasing and engaging. Many times FAR more pleasing and engaging than the uncontrolled basic sound from the sound producing strings alone.
TigerFox® modernizes acoustic soundboards to work with modern audio loudspeakers
- The same type of improved acoustical results that are automatically delivered to the sound producing stings of a violin by its surrounding acoustical soundboard are automatically delivered to modern sound producing audio loudspeakers by the precision design of the TigerFox Immerse 360 pure acoustic soundboard.
- The result is an improved level of audio quality performance for loudspeakers that is far more engaging, real and immersive than the uncontrolled, lossy and damaged audio heard from loudspeakers alone.
For the first time in the history of sound reproduction – TigerFox develops and patents a modern acoustic soundboard that improves the quality, realism, positioning accuracy and immersion of audio loudspeakers.

The patented TigerFox® Immerse 360® acoustic soundboard was precision designed to improve multiple different loudspeakers –
– Including your loudspeakers –
The precision performance of the TigerFox Immerse 360 soundboard module was standardized to work synergistically with, and improve the audio quality of, a wide range of different loudspeakers – including your own loudspeakers.
Its lightweight, portable, universal design works with different types, sizes, shapes, categories and quality levels of existing loudspeakers, old and new loudspeakers, and even specially-designed and loudspeakers of the future
See Principles #6 and 7 (along with the rest of this document) for how TigerFox does this.
The results are incredible
- The improvements of audio quality from precision adding the Immerse 360 soundboard module around audio loudspeakers are like the sound quality improvements experienced by those who first heard the sound improvements after adding a carefully-crafted acoustic soundboard around string and reed sound producing devices.
- With the same level of quality improvement as delivered with musical instrument soundboards, adding the carefully-crafted TigerFox Immerse 360 soundboard module around modern audio loudspeakers results in an incredible upgrade to their audio quality.
- As with prior musical instruments, this striking improvement in sound quality is not experienced without the precision-added soundboard.
What is High Resolution? (The “Hi-Res” Controversy)
Currently there is controversy within the high-end audio industry as to what high-resolution (“High-Res” or “Hi-Rez”) sound means, how to increase it, how to measure it, and how to compare it to conventional resolution sound.
Without going into the deep audiophile details, resolution means the native resolution of the audio.
Everything else being equal, higher resolution generally means better sound quality. However, upping the native resolution of existing content is very difficult and many times impossible to accomplish.
TigerFox increases one’s perceived resolution of audio by greatly improving audio clarity, accuracy and immersive experience
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The Immerse 360’s design retains the sound’s original authenticity.
It does not touch, interfere with, or alter the original content including its original resolution in any way.
How TigerFox increases the perceived resolution of virtually all music, game and movie content is by using pure acoustics and elliptical physics, as explained in Principles #2 to #5 and #7. This automatically solves, corrects and removes 5 pervasive electronic sound reproduction problems.
- These problems include the immediate correction and removal of sound damaging Crosstalk, Speaker-Room Interaction and the automatic loss of approximately 98% of the sound produced by conventional loudspeakers during the sound reproduction process.
- Until now, these defects and limitations have always been a sound-damaging part electronic sound reproduction.
- Before their removal, they have prevented the listener from experiencing reproduced audio without these defects and limitations interfering with and degrading their audio and its native resolution before the audio was even heard.
The patented TigerFox Immerse 360 immediately and completely solves, corrects and removes these previously uncorrected electronic sound reproduction problems, providing an extraordinary perceived audio quality improvement.
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What improved sound resolution is all about
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The acoustic result with the TigerFox Immerse 360 is a qualitative and quantitive improvement and upgrade in audio quality that is authentically experienced by the user with the Immerse 360 – and that is not experienced without it, even with the best sound systems.
This difference includes revealing uncountable subtle audio nuances that add significant quality, realism, positioning accuracy and enjoyment to one’s music, movie and video game experiences.
For example, during comparative listening tests with everything else being equal, audio experts reported within the first few seconds of hearing their well-known personal content played back with versus without the TigerFox Immerse 360:
- Hearing an unmistakable perceived improvement in audio quality, energy, clarity and engagement with the Immerse 360that was far more noticeable and evident to them than the perceived audio improvements they experienced hearing between the lowest native sound resolution file (now around an MP3 audio file) and the highest native sound resolution file (now around a 24-bit/192kHz audio file).
- They reported that their attention was immediately riveted to many newly-revealed subtle but important audio details they had not experienced before with other audio technologies.
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This level of perceived audio improvement translates into an authentic improvement in the sensation of experiencing higher resolution sound.
What the TigerFox Immerse 360 acoustic soundboard delivers to your music, video games and movies:
- A whole new category of natural pure acoustic full-surround experience.
- An overall improved audio quality added to each individual music, video game and movie sound.
- Each sound is exactly spatially positioned around the listener as positioned by the original event or sound engineer.
- Total 360-degree immersion is added to the soundscapes of one’s video games, music and movies
- The ability is added to experience important live sound nuances that were previously hidden or not able to be experienced before with other technologies.
The acoustic result is a massive qualitative and quantitive upgrade in audio quality that is authentically delivered to the user of the Immerse 360 – and that is not experienced without it, even with the best audio and surround sound systems.
It includes revealing uncountable audio subtleties that add significant realism, positioning accuracy, clarity, energy, interest, engagement and enjoyment to one’s music, movie and video game experiences.
- The result creates a more direct and complete sound bridge connection between the original performance and audio event, and the listener.
- During the product’s beta testing, many experienced users reported within the first few seconds of hearing their own content played back with the TigerFox Immerse 360, that their attention was immediately riveted to newly-revealed sound qualities and audible details that were never revealed before by other audio technologies.
Four important improvements in the Immerse 360 design that UPGRADE its soundboard performance
1st Improvement – The TigerFox Immerse 360’s soundboard enhances literally millions of different sounds
Previous acoustic soundboards have been restricted to revealing and enhancing only a few basic sounds from simple sound-producing devices like strings or reeds.
As an improved benefit over soundboards of the past, the patented Immerse 360 soundboard enhances an almost infinite number, variety and complexity of different sounds, micro details and sound nuances that modern electronic loudspeakers are capable of reproducing.
- And these can be multiple different sounds heard simultaneously.
- These include the varied sounds and nuances of almost every musical instrument, human voice and environmental ambient sound, etc., engineered into content and able to be produced and experienced anywhere in the real world.

Using its speaker diaphragm-based material in the soundboard design, the Tiger Fox Immerse 360 can enhance any sound that speakers are capable of reproducing.
2nd Improvement – The enhanced sounds are internally focused toward the listener – not outwardly disbursed where the improved sounds are scattered and weakened.
Original soundboards of the past radiated their soundboard-improved sounds and added sound information only OUTWARDLY AWAY from the soundboard in all directions. Outwardly radiating sounds quickly lose their intensity as the sounds disperse away from their source.
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ORIGINAL musical instruments radiate their soundboard improved sounds only OUTWARDLY, AWAY from the soundboard in all directions.
As an improved benefit, the patented TigerFox Immerse 360 soundboard design precision-focuses its soundboard-enhanced sounds INWARDLY toward the listener where the sound improvements are preserved for the listener and not disputed or diminished.
3rd Improvement – The TigerFox Immerse 360 reveals previously-hidden sounds and micro details in three real dimensions around the user.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 soundboard improvements to loudspeakers are heard and experienced by the listener as coming from a multiplicity of different individual sound angles, locations and heights around the listener.
However previous musical instrument soundboard designs for improving reed and string sounds arrive toward the listener only from one direction, the direction of the musical instrument itself.
As an improvement over soundboards of the past, sounds delivered to the listener by the Immerse 360 soundboard can arrive toward the listener from any direction, distance, angle and/or height location around the listener. Including from simultaneous and multiple different locations at the same time as they were originally produced.
This full-surround three-dimensional upgrade provides a much improved immersive experience for the listener.
The Result – Total Immersion around the LISTENER
The result completely envelopes the listener on all sides within a personal sound bubble of high-performance resolution-enhanced sounds with each sound individually positioned around them at its exact accurate location.

The TigerFox® Immerse 360® COMPLETELY ENVELOPS the listener within a PERSONAL SOUND BUBBLE that fully surrounds them 360-degrees and in three real dimensions with enhanced quality, precision positioned sounds.
(This is fully explained in Principle #4 below)
4th Improvement – The TigerFox Immerse 360 uses high-performance modern audio acoustic materials.
These didn’t exist when musical instrument soundboards were first invented
Original soundboards and their designs were limited to being made with acoustic materials that were available at the time.
- For example, specialty woods, animal glue, fragile designs and expensive delicate hand-tooled shapes and finishes that also must be protected, expensively maintained and carefully handled.
- As an improved benefit over original soundboards of the past, the organic pod-like acoustic shape and design of the Immerse 360 soundboard was not restricted by any of these prior physical or geometrical soundboard limitations.
After several years of comparative testing with many different types, sizes, and shapes of acoustic materials, a high-performance modern three-layered composite acoustic material we named Resonite was chosen for the functioning acoustic design of the Immerse 360 soundboard.
Resonite is manufactured from the same type of modern energy-transforming polymeric composite materials that modern audio loudspeaker diaphragms are commonly made of (further detailed in Principle #6).
- For reference, the diaphragm of modern loudspeakers is the pliable structural component that actively produces the sound in most conventional loudspeakers.
- In a loudspeaker, a diaphragm is the semi-rigid acoustic membrane attached to the voice coil which moves the diaphragm that produces the speaker’s sound.
- It is commonly constructed of a thin sheet of various acoustic materials that transform energy into the sound we hear.

The triple-layer Resonite acoustic soundboard module of the Immerse 360® is made from the SAME acoustic material that modern energy-transforming speaker diaphragms are made from.
Synergistic performance
The pure-acoustic soundboard module of the patented TigerFox Immerse 360 combines in a synergistic way its:
- Total-enveloping full-surround structure and organic pod design (detailed in the following Principle #4)
- Double-ellipse and symmetrically-perfect time-aligned acoustic shape (detailed in Principles #2 and #4)
- High-performance triple-layer Resonite audio and acoustic material
This creates the organic working geometry behind its 360-degree pure acoustic live sound performance and resulting three-dimensional high-resolution immersion experience.
The working functional benefits of the Resonite soundboard module (in addition to its acoustic performance)
In addition to its ultra-high immersion three-dimensional audio performance – the working benefits of the TigerFox Immerse 360 Resonite soundboard module operate and continue to operate with:
- No cost
- No maintenance
- No breakdown
- No obsolescence
- The 3-layer Resonite soundboard module provides exceptional:
- Structural integrity, toughness and long-term durability
- User-friendly lightness of weight
- Low cost vs. ultra-high value performance
- Remarkably long usable life
- Furniture, pet and child proof safety
- Visual isolation from surrounding distractions
- Outside-to-inside and inside-to-outside sound control and attenuation
- Sustainable, environmentally-friendly, made with recycled, recyclable, and no E-waste materials.
Is the TigerFox® Immerse 360® an ACTIVE or PASSIVE audio device?
Of significance, it’s both.
The Immerse 360 is acoustically passive to all audio content and sources – every part of the sound – before the sound physically exits from the speakers.
It is acoustically active, however, by virtue of the fact that it:
- Actively takes control of the sound after the sound exits from the speakers
- Actively precision orchestrates the sound at the listener’s location
- Actively transforms the sound into upgraded 3D holographic sound
This is explained below (and more fully in Principle 2.)
How the TigerFox Immerse 360 is PASSIVE
- It’s disconnected in every way from all electronics, all content, and all sources, including from the original sound signals themselves.
- It does not add, take-away, or alter anything in any electronic equipment, content or sources.
- Is wireless and uses no electricity.
- It is 100% passively removed from any analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion processes
This means it does not touch or interfere with the sound signals, any of the electronics, content or sources that produce the sounds, nor the sounds themselves.
- This includes literally everything from the electronic sound production and reproduction stages all the way through to where the sound physically exits from the speakers.
How the TigerFox Immerse 360 is ACTIVE
The TigerFox Immerse 360 is acoustically active because its patented acoustic design takes control, improves, and delivers the sound to the listener in many important and upgraded ways that other technologies do not.
This is due to the fact that the TigerFox Immerse 360 actively solves and corrects serious sound reproduction problems that have not been able to be solved with audio electronics and other sound reproduction technologies.
- It actively:
- Cancels sound-damaging Crosstalk
- Stops the loudspeaker’s 98% loss of sound
- Corrects sound corrupting Speaker-Room-Interaction
- It simultaneously precision timeline integrates the speaker’s Direct sound with the speaker’s otherwise lost and dispersed Indirect sound at the listener’s location – in real time, seamlessly, and with no latency loss.
- It then actively transforms these beneficial sound reproduction improvements into powerful sound quality upgrades, including the sound benefits listed below.
How the TigerFox Immerse 360 accomplishes this is fully explained in Principles #1 – #7.
Added audio benefits of being both acoustically active and passive
The result adds audio realism, immersion and sound improvement:
- Quality
- Performance
- Value
to the listener’s music, game and movie audio experience. And to the playback equipment, content and sources that deliver these audio experiences.
The Immerse 360 accomplishes this simply, automatically and affordably with:
- No psycho-acoustic deception
- No sound filters or filtering
- No acoustic distortions
- No frequency changes or artifacts
- No volume attenuation, dips or fading
- No spatial positioning or movement limitations
- No ambient, perspective or soundscape losses or gaps
Multiple Audio Gains – No Trickery
The TigerFox Immerse 360 design, by acting like a high-performance musical instrument type of soundboard, actively solves multiple sound reproduction problems (as detailed in Principle #2 and this Principle #3), without needing to employ any audio trickery or acoustic tradeoffs used by other audio technologies.
Full-scale 3D music, game and movie holographic soundscapes
Immerse 360 users can now authentically create their own full-scale, spatially-real, 3D music, game and movie soundscapes 360-degrees around them.
- It works automatically and can be used with a nearly unlimited variety of audio content and sources.
Unlimited audio sources
Using unlimited sound source options, as one example, the TigerFox Immerse 360’s signature upgrades are universally delivered to the listener in full resolution-enhanced 3D surround sound regardless of whether the audio sources happen to be from:
- Smartphones
- Home audio systems or stereo music players
- Digital media players (like CDs, DVDs, LaserDiscs)
- Game stations (like Playstation, Xbox, PC, etc.)
- Streamed games (like Twitch, YouTube, Facebook)
- Surround sound or home theater systems
- Content downloading devicesTurntables (vinyl record players)
- Stereo sounds, 3D sounds, ambisonic sounds, object-based sounds, HRTF modified sounds, quadraphonic sounds, including their different formats
- Desktop computers, laptops or tablets
- Professional or home mixing stations, etc.
The original audio sources are untouched, left 100% in their original condition, with their audio content preserved, resolution-upgraded and delivered with sounds positioned in their exact locations as they were originally produced. Nothing missing, reduced, distorted, or lost.
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KEY TAKE-AWAY from Principle #3
In today’s language, the TigerFox Immerse 360 surrounding audio soundboard might be referred to as a high-resolution, next-generation audio “pro-tool”.
- This is because it causes the many varied sounds and micro nuanced audio details that are able to be produced by modern conventional audio loudspeakers to become substantially more revealed, acoustically improved and audibly more satisfying to those who love music, video games and movies.
Principle #4 – The utilization of acoustically-flawless elliptical physics and the TigerFox® double ellipse design
Because real-life is experienced naturally all around us in three spatially-real dimensions, gamers, music and movie lovers want to experience the same natural authentic three-dimensional sound experience around them in their games, music and movies.
This helps their virtual experiences become more real and life-like
The patented full surround elliptical physics design of the TigerFox® Immerse 360® takes spatial audio, 3D immersive sound and 3D audio a quantum leap further.
It synergistically adds the combined geometric power of its acoustically flawless double-ellipse technology with its high-resolution musical instrument soundboard technology (detailed in Principle #3) and precision integrates them together with modern sound reproduction electronics
The TigerFox Immerse 360 uses acoustically-flawless elliptical physics and double ellipse soundboard technology to precision capture critical sounds and nuances that are otherwise lost, damaged or hidden, and then delivers them exclusively to the listener in best quality high-resolution real time.
The result makes the listener the exclusive receiver of this otherwise lost, damaged and hidden sound information and content, putting the listener in the high-resolution “Super Sweet Spot” of the game, music and movie’s 360-degree soundscape.
A pure acoustic advantage over electronics alone
For the first time, and as a significant acoustic advantage over using electronics alone, TigerFox precisely integrates the impeccably accurate geometric double ellipse acoustic design with modern electronics.
The result immediately solves and corrects five previously-unsolved electronic sound degrading problems (detailed in Principle #2).
In the process, the Immerse 360 pure acoustic elliptical physics design integrates both the DIRECT Sound and the INDIRECT Sound together into one seamless three-dimensional upgraded full-surround audio experience.

Doing this automatically corrects and removes:
- Sound corrupting loudspeaker Crosstalk
- Speaker sound lost into the surrounding room
- Sound-muddling Speaker-Room-Interaction
- Confusing out-of-sync sound fragments
- Audio-degrading added reflective echoes
- Off-timed different frequency reverberations.
It captures, preserves and recovers the authentic full-surround soundstage and three-dimensional ambient soundscapes of live music as well as the original soundscapes designed for video games and movies – realistically positioning them 360-degrees around the user in high-resolution real time with no added latency.

The TigerFox Immerse 360’s “Super Sweet Spot” creates a personal bubble of sound 360-degrees around the listener
The distinctive result creates an acoustically-perfect Super Sweet Spot 360-degrees around the listener and a level of intimate acoustics thought impossible with existing audio technology.

This automatically produces the high-quality live sound sensation of being in the center of a live event, with high-resolution live sounds happening in different locations and directions 360-degrees around the listener.
- The Super Sweet Spot preserves more of the original live sound spatial information within music, games and movies that’s normally lost, obscured or damaged during the sound reproduction process.
- The Immerse 360 authentically delivers this experience exclusively and intact to and around the listener in its original pure form. (this is fully explained in Principles #1 – #3)
KEY TAKE-AWAY from Principle #4
What the TigerFox elliptical physics design means for the listener

Every sound, note, and nuance is perfectly synchronized to arrive around you at its Exact. Physical. Location.
- The TigerFox Immerse 360 user is enveloped in a dome of best-quality high resolution full-surround audio and immediately put closer to the artist, the intent of the audio engineer, and the actual original music, game or movie experience.
- Within this Super Sweet Spot and personal bubble of best quality audio, the listener can now realistically perceive, hear and feel each individual music, video game and movie sound and audio detail in real time as it is separately presented around them with the authentic three-dimensional sensation of a live sound experience.
Principle #5 – FIVE professional audio upgrading practices used in the design
For the first time, simple, affordable and guaranteed professional quality sound results – for both audio professionals and beginning listeners.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 has built into its DNA the following five perfection-centered sound reproduction rules, practices and objectives – including those of audio professionals and audiophile listening rooms – to help deliver the best quality full-surround audio performance.
To understand how it does this, it is helpful to understand that even through the Immerse 360:
- Is a radically-new and different high-performance acoustic technology
- Contradicts many previous and currently-held assumptions about professional sound reproduction
- Proves that conventional stereo sound has, in fact, hidden within it authentic immersive 3D audio
the Immerse 360 also incorporates within its DNA five long-established quality-improving professional sound reproduction practices.
These five quality-improving practices are currently used by audiophiles and professionals to improve their high-performance audio experience and all five have dependably stood the test of time.
Learn more at the Pro Audio page and the “Special for Audiophiles” section of the Music page.
At the same time, while the Immerse 360 uses the best-quality audiophile practices, it also radically transforms and upgrades a multiplicity of unneeded, expensive, or obsolete prior audiophile sound reproduction rules, methods and practices.
- For example, instead of being previously difficult-to-impossible to obtain professional level audio – TigerFox makes it simplified, standardized, and hard-wired into its patented design and signature pure acoustic function.
- In the process, the TigerFox Immerse 360 design removes the historic complexity, time and high cost of implementing these audio practices – refining them down into affordable simplicity with guaranteed professional quality and high-resolution results for everyone from audio professionals to those new to audio.
The following five quality-improving professional audio practices are incorporated into the TigerFox Immerse 360 acoustic design.
The Immerse 360 then goes beyond even professional expectations to deliver its simple, affordable and guaranteed quality-improved full-surround results.
1st professional practice: Incorporating Geometrically-Precise SYMMETRY
One of the ways TigerFox delivers unmatched high-performance full-surround audio results and unrivaled simplicity is its exclusive use of wireless geometrically-precise cooperative symmetry in all of its high-resolution quality-improving Immerse 360 technology, components and setup.

Geometrically-precise cooperative acoustic symmetry
Acoustical symmetry is important for high-performance sound reproduction experiences
Geometric precise symmetry, acoustical symmetry, or mathematical balance simply mean the professional audio rule, practice and objective of qualitatively improving sound reproduction by trying to perfectly symmetrically align all four important acoustical components during the sound reproduction process.
The 4 acoustical components professionals try to cooperatively precision symmetrically align for best sound reproduction are:
- The room
- Its contents
- The speakers
- The listener
For example, the “golden triangle” symmetrical relationship between two main (left and right) speakers and the listener that’s used by the Immerse 360 is the same symmetrical relationship that professionals and audiophile listening rooms use to try to achieve precision symmetry within a room’s boundary walls.
Why is precision symmetry important?
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Acoustic professionals, audiophiles, and those who work with sound and audio rely on acoustical symmetry as a fundamental defining principle of high-performance sound reproduction.
- This is because virtually all sound, especially with many types of music, reproduces better to the ear when the perfection of acoustical symmetry is present and because the result conveys more of the acoustic truth of the original audio experience.
- As a professional audiophile rule, the more precise the symmetry of all four important sound reproduction components, the better and more enjoyable the audio result, irrespective of the quality of the content and source.
Precision acoustical symmetry has been next-to-impossible to achieve until now
Over the last 80 years, achieving even minimal symmetry of all acoustically important sound reproduction components has been a very difficult, time consuming, expensive and often futile process.
One of the reasons is due to the difficulty, frustration and often the physical impossibility of trying to achieve even minimum symmetry for the entire room and all of its contents, which are so important to achieving a significantly more impressive audio result.
- This entails the need to simultaneously symmetrically position all important sound reproduction components inside of the set shape and size of a preexisting room, including the existing location of its walls, room openings and the contents that are normally spread out within that pre-existing room without consideration for sound reproduction quality.
- The problem is that normally the preexisting room and its contents cannot be made to be symmetrical either because of their physical limitations or because of the other needs of that room’s space. This doesn’t include the tedious measurements and careful content moving required for precision symmetry if one was fortunate to start out with a room that was physically suitable for acoustical symmetry.
- This doesn’t include the tedious measurements and careful content moving required for precision symmetry if one was fortunate to start out with a room that was physically suitable for acoustical symmetry and quality sound reproduction.
The attempt to perfectly symmetrical position the listener (the forth important component needed to achieve synergistically-perfect acoustical symmetry) within a symmetrically-perfect room and its contents, has also been very difficult to achieve until now.
Most often, the only recourse is to build a custom professional or special listening room to try to achieve the four acoustical symmetry requirements for precision sound reproduction, a very expensive and limiting option available only to an exclusive select few.
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The TigerFox Immerse 360 design controls and integrates all 4 symmetrical components and delivers perfect acoustical symmetry
The new TigerFox technology and Immerse 360 design:
- Standardizes
- Simplifies
- Completely replaces
the above-described complexity, measurement problems, room content positioning, listener location, and space issues that normally must be dealt with to achieve even minimal acoustical symmetry in any room used for high-performance audio reproduction.
This means the time-consuming and expensive-to-achieve requirements currently used by audio professionals and high-performance listening rooms to integrate components and achieve even minimal symmetry are no longer needed with the TigerFox Immerse 360.
Fully-integrated and synergistically-perfect acoustical symmetry within any room is now automatically delivered by the TigerFox Immerse 360 design, even within acoustic-inferior rooms previously considered impossible for high performance sound reproduction.
Read exactly how the patented TigerFox system does this in Principle #2.
How perfect? – Perfect symmetry to within 1 centimeter for all important sound reproduction components
All-important sound reproduction components required for acoustic symmetry are now standardized and guaranteed to be symmetrically-perfect by the new TigerFox technology and its Immerse 360 design to within + / – one centimeter (+ / – 1 cm) in all three dimensions.
- This includes its double ellipse design, its full surround acoustic soundboard, the positioning of the speakers, its 3-Minute Setup Positioning Mat, and the location of the important listener.
Guaranteed perfect symmetry in under 3 minutes with upgraded audio results
Furthermore, the TigerFox Immerse 360 design takes less than three minutes to arrange all important sound reproduction components to within +/- 1cm acoustically-perfect symmetrical positioning.
- This includes positioning the listener within the “Super Sweet Spot” (detailed in Principle #4) that automatically 360-degree surrounds them with acoustically-upgraded audio in all three spatial dimensions.
2nd professional practice: Staying True to the Quality of the Original Content and Creator’s Work
- This includes the audio professional’s objective of preserving the realism and live sound authenticity of the original surrounding sound event, along with the integrity of the original content for the listener (detailed in Principle #1).

Preserves the authentic original quality of the creator’s work
This is accomplished by TigerFox’s use of 100% pure acoustics and by the Immerse 360’s design correcting and removing the five serious sound reproduction problems (as detailed in Principle #2).
Correcting problems for audio PROFESSIONALS, sound mixers and acoustic producers
Multiple sound reproduction problems are difficult to overlook when they’re unavoidably added into the mixing and editing work – causing errors in judgement that are heard differently on different systems.
Universal loudspeaker problems of Crosstalk and the uncontrolled continuous release of Indirect Sound into the mixing room make it difficult for a mixer to clearly hear and correctly mix one’s audio content.
Up to this point, even though it’s important, it’s been all but impossible to separate out the added foreign sounds from the real sounds in the mix that one is working on.
- What happens is Crosstalk, Speaker-Room-Interaction and other universal sound reproduction problems introduce separate foreign sounds and sound fragments into the original mix.
- These intermix and add out-of-sync sounds that overlap with conflicting sound signatures. The corrupted sounds occur at different frequency levels and obscure the true mix.
- Even in sound-dead environments including anechoic chambers, it hasn’t been possible to strip away these foreign sounds from the actual sounds that need to clearly heard alone to be properly worked on.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 strips-out foreign sounds and separates-apart the mix’s real sounds into their own 360-degree space.
Audio professionals no longer need to struggle to clearly hear their mix free from the problems built into electronic sound reproduction.
TigerFox Immerse 360 is designed to allow the user to clearly hear their music and their mix – including each sound and nuance engineered into it – physically separated apart from the others with the sensation of hearing live sounds in three real dimensions.
This means, having first removed five sound reproduction problems from the playback mix, (see Principle #2 for how TigerFox does this), mixers can now accurately separate apart and 360-degree isolate each and every individual sound in the playback mix – including their individual three-dimensional spatial direction, distance, angle, elevation and movement.
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Mixed sounds are not overlapped, mixed or muddled together in front of the mixer or producer as is normal with loudspeaker sound reproduction.

Separate apart every sound, note and nuance in the mix
Instead, each sound and nuance within the mix – using the same two loudspeakers and sound mix – can be heard and individuality located around the mixer.
This includes the original three-dimensional spacing between and around each sound.
The entire mix authentically comes together in real time around the mixer
- The mixer can now authentically hear the individual components in the mix come together in real time, accurately presented in their exact locations.
- This allows the mixer and producer to hear a true model of the intended sonic environment, while clearly hearing the complex combination of all the sounds in the mix at one time authentically separated apart.
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Hear and follow hundreds of sounds through the mix at the same time
High numbers of individual sound sources in the same mix, including more than 30 different tracks and hundreds of sounds and micro details, can now be individually separated apart by the Immerse 360, comparatively audibly evaluated, and simultaneously followed all the way through the presentation.
- One’s entire mix can be heard as a true 360-degree spherical audio picture
The result creates a real 360° sound picture that includes the critical location of each sound and the entire mix integrated together into one seamless three-dimensional full surround landscape of sound.
It then centers the listener within this sonic landscape and provides true 360 positional hearing of all the individual sounds in the mix, including their discrete nuances.
- The Immerse 360 is a professional mixing studio that’s simple-to-use, portable and gets to the sonic truth
In this way, the Immerse 360 is an ultra-high-performance portable audio listening room and mix evaluation studio for accurate editing, mixing and reviewing of audio mixes either at work, on the road, or at home.
- Sonic truth helps aid universal translation
The ability to get to the sonic truth and to authentically hear the complexity of all the sounds in the mix at the same time helps to get the volume level of every sound relatively appropriate.
Sonic truth also aids in getting each sound in the mix locationally and comparatively balanced, and correctly harmonically positioned.
Impressing your clients with your best quality results
1. Solving five major sound reproduction problems (detailed in Principle #2)
2. Incorporating five proven professional audio upgrade practices, including enhanced sound delivery designs of audiophile listening rooms (see Principle #5)
3. And standardizing them into a professional full surround sound 3D playback system, allows professional mixers and producers to deliver the best quality of their professional work when presenting it to important clients.

360-degree best quality playback of one’s mix using your original content
How the Immerse 360 showcases your work
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- The Immerse 360 takes original game, music and movie sound content and the 360-degree acoustic space built-into the content – and recreates it in three spatially-real dimensions.
- Next, in real time, it takes the 360-degree tapestry of sound result and authentically wraps it physically around one’s clients.

The Immerse 360 wraps a 360-degree tapestry of one’s mix around your client
- This audibly showcases the authenticity, sound positioning and three-dimensional realism of one’s work in ultra high resolution and in real time, without having to modify or change anything in the content or playback system.
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For AUDIO NEWBIES and universal lovers of full surround music, video games and movies
The same TigerFox Immerse 360 design used to help audio professionals is also designed to be easily and affordably used by those who love music, video games and movies but have limited means or no background in audio.
The Immerse 360 removes most of the pain points and barriers to entry that have prevented the vast majority of new music, video game and movie enthusiasts in the past from ever experiencing the true joy of professional audiophile-level playback acoustics.
- Instead of the complexity and high cost, the Immerse 360 provides a simplified, confusion-free low-cost design that’s ready to use in under three minutes – even for audio novices.
3rd professional practice: The Minimal Use of Electronics
The minimum use of added or connective electronics is an important professional objective and practice of audio professionals, audiophiles and high-performance listening rooms.
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That means reducing the number of electronic components and their connections to the least number possible.
- This is because the least number of electronic components and connections possible delivers the best audio results – providing an audio experience that’s the closest match to the original sound event.
- Using minimal electronics is especially important during the sound reproduction process.
- The TigerFox Immerse 360 design fully uses this fundamental audiophile rule.
For example, the TigerFox Immerse 360 was designed to use only two basic components to perform all its acoustical work:
- Its pop-up full-surround Soundboard and
- Its 3-Minute Setup Positioning Mat.
(Details in Principles #3, #4 and #6)
The Immerse 360 also was designed to use only:
- Two electronic sound signals
- Two conventional loudspeakers
- Two amplifiers
- Two connecting wires
to produce full surround three-dimensional sound for the listener.
(For more information, see Principle #1)
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See also the Pro-Audio Page and the “Special For Audiophiles” section on the Music Page for detailed additional information of special interest to audio professionals.
4th professional practice: Unlimited Immediate COMPATIBILITY
This professional goal has NOT been kept
It has always been the goal of audio experts and professional audiophiles that new audio improvements seamlessly integrate with and be universally compatible with different electronic playback components, content, sources and systems.
However, this universal goal is seldom the reality, especially with new audio electronics.
- Instead, across-the-board audio incompatibilities, format wars and limited-to-nonexistent audio content and sources have been the universal norm.
- This adds, often significantly, to the requirement to upgrade or purchase new audio equipment and compatible upgrades – often with severely limited choices, added complexity, and higher costs.
Welcome to UNLIMITED best quality music, video games and movies
Because the Immerse 360 itself is directly 100% pure acoustic-powered and works its audio improvements after the sound completely exits the loudspeaker (without touching the audio content or sources), it therefore does not touch or interfere with the electronic content and audio sources that connect before or that are fed through the loudspeaker in any way.
This is fully explained in Principles #1 and #2.
- This allows the Immerse 360 design to be completely free of the extensive incompatibilities, format problems, lack of audio content, and added cost requirements that are normally associated with electronic audio technologies and improvements.
No electronic connections provides immediate universal compatibility
The result of the Immerse 360’s pure acoustic powered design makes it immediately cross-platform compatible out-of-the-box with just about every type and variety of conventional, commercial, and professional music, video game and movie audio and video content, format and source, including online audio and video services like:

Compatible with conventional as well as commercial and professional music, video game and movie audio and video content, formats and sources
The pure acoustic Immerse 360 is automatically compatible with different types, makes, models, quality levels, and ages of electronic audio hardware and playback software – and without any added cost or need to upgrade them first.
Beyond compatibility
The powerful pure acoustic design of the TigerFox Immerse 360 immediately upgrades the audio quality, performance, and value of your music, game and movie content, sources, electronics and everything in your playback system. This is fully explained in Principles #1 – #4 and #6.
5th professional practice: Creating a Highly-Focused, Substantially-Isolated, and Minimum Intrusion Listening Environment
The TigerFox Immerse 360 design accommodates the professional sound control practice and audiophile goal of having a highly-focused listening environment.
This is an environment with minimal interference and distraction from one’s surrounding environment.
Creating highly-controlled listening spaces is normally expensive and difficult-to-achieve.
- However, the Immerse 360 incorporates these high-value, highly-controlled listening-space amenities and audiophile goals into a standardized portable full-surround design. It’s affordable in cost and guaranteed easy to set up in under 3 minutes.
(This is fully explained in Principle #6 immediately following)
- At the same time, when objectively compared, the highly precise acoustic design of the TigerFox Immerse 360 outperforms advanced and expensive conventional electronic audio technologies in sound positioning accuracy, full surround three-dimensional realism and the sensation of an authentic live sound experience.
As a result of TigerFox:
1. Automatically solving, correcting and removing five serious sound reproduction problems (detailed in Principle #2)
2. Using pure acoustics and its full-surround precision soundboard design that preserves and accurately focuses sound exclusively to the listener (creating a Super Sweet Spot 360-degrees around the listener as detailed in Principles #3 and #6)
3. Applying wireless acoustically-flawless and latency-free elliptical physics to its pure acoustic design (explained in Principle #4)
4. Adapting five best quality audiophile sound reproduction principles (detailed in this Principle #5)
the Immerse 360, as a result, automatically and immediately delivers a genuine live sound experience to one’s video games, music playback and movies.
See Pro-Audio Page and the “Special For Audiophiles” section on the Music Page for in depth special interest information for audio professionals.
What is High Resolution? (The “Hi-Res” Controversy)
Currently there is controversy within the high-end audio industry as to what high-resolution (“High-Res” or “Hi-Rez”) sound means, how to increase it, how to measure it, and how to compare it to conventional resolution sound.
Without going into the deep audiophile details, resolution means the native resolution of the audio.
Everything else being equal, higher resolution generally means better sound quality. However, upping the native resolution of existing content is very difficult and many times impossible to accomplish.
TigerFox increases one’s perceived resolution of audio by greatly improving audio clarity, accuracy and immersive experience
The Immerse 360’s design retains the sound’s original authenticity.
It does not touch, interfere with, or alter the original content including its original resolution in any way.
How TigerFox increases the perceived resolution of virtually all music, game and movie content is by using pure acoustics and elliptical physics, as explained in Principles #2 to #5 and #7. This automatically solves, corrects and removes 5 pervasive electronic sound reproduction problems.
- These problems include the immediate correction and removal of sound damaging Crosstalk, Speaker-Room Interaction and the automatic loss of approximately 98% of the sound produced by conventional loudspeakers during the sound reproduction process.
- Until now, these defects and limitations have always been a sound-damaging part electronic sound reproduction.
- Before their removal, they have prevented the listener from experiencing reproduced audio without these defects and limitations interfering with and degrading their audio and its native resolution before the audio was even heard.
The patented TigerFox Immerse 360 immediately and completely solves, corrects and removes these previously uncorrected electronic sound reproduction problems, providing an extraordinary perceived audio quality improvement.
What improved sound resolution is all about
The acoustic result with the TigerFox Immerse 360 is a qualitative and quantitive improvement and upgrade in audio quality that is authentically experienced by the user with the Immerse 360 – and that is not experienced without it, even with the best sound systems.
This difference includes revealing uncountable subtle audio nuances that add significant quality, realism, positioning accuracy and enjoyment to one’s music, movie and video game experiences.
For example, during comparative listening tests with everything else being equal, audio experts reported within the first few seconds of hearing their well-known personal content played back with versus without the TigerFox Immerse 360:
- Hearing an unmistakable perceived improvement in audio quality, energy, clarity and engagement with the Immerse 360that was far more noticeable and evident to them than the perceived audio improvements they experienced hearing between the lowest native sound resolution file (now around an MP3 audio file) and the highest native sound resolution file (now around a 24-bit/192kHz audio file).
- They reported that their attention was immediately riveted to many newly-revealed subtle but important audio details they had not experienced before with other audio technologies.
This level of perceived audio improvement translates into an authentic improvement in the sensation of experiencing higher resolution sound.
Is the TigerFox® Immerse 360® an ACTIVE or PASSIVE audio device?
Of significance, it’s both.
The Immerse 360 is acoustically passive to all audio content and sources – every part of the sound – before the sound physically exits from the speakers.
It is acoustically active, however, by virtue of the fact that it:
- Actively takes control of the sound after the sound exits from the speakers
- Actively precision orchestrates the sound at the listener’s location
- Actively transforms the sound into upgraded 3D holographic sound
This is explained below (and more fully in Principle 2.)
How the TigerFox Immerse 360 is PASSIVE
- It’s disconnected in every way from all electronics, all content, and all sources, including from the original sound signals themselves.
- It does not add, take-away, or alter anything in any electronic equipment, content or sources.
- Is wireless and uses no electricity.
- It is 100% passively removed from any analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion processes
This means it does not touch or interfere with the sound signals, any of the electronics, content or sources that produce the sounds, nor the sounds themselves.
- This includes literally everything from the electronic sound production and reproduction stages all the way through to where the sound physically exits from the speakers.
How the TigerFox Immerse 360 is ACTIVE
The TigerFox Immerse 360 is acoustically active because its patented acoustic design takes control, improves, and delivers the sound to the listener in many important and upgraded ways that other technologies do not.
This is due to the fact that the TigerFox Immerse 360 actively solves and corrects serious sound reproduction problems that have not been able to be solved with audio electronics and other sound reproduction technologies.
- It actively:
- Cancels sound-damaging Crosstalk
- Stops the loudspeaker’s 98% loss of sound
- Corrects sound corrupting Speaker-Room-Interaction
- It simultaneously precision timeline integrates the speaker’s Direct sound with the speaker’s otherwise lost and dispersed Indirect sound at the listener’s location – in real time, seamlessly, and with no latency loss.
- It then actively transforms these beneficial sound reproduction improvements into powerful sound quality upgrades, including the sound benefits listed below.
How the TigerFox Immerse 360 accomplishes this is fully explained in Principles #1 – #7.
Added audio benefits of being both acoustically active and passive
The result adds audio realism, immersion and sound improvement:
- Quality
- Performance
- Value
to the listener’s music, game and movie audio experience. And to the playback equipment, content and sources that deliver these audio experiences.
The Immerse 360 accomplishes this simply, automatically and affordably with:
- No psycho-acoustic deception
- No sound filters or filtering
- No acoustic distortions
- No frequency changes or artifacts
- No volume attenuation, dips or fading
- No spatial positioning or movement limitations
- No ambient, perspective or soundscape losses or gaps
Multiple Audio Gains – No Trickery
The TigerFox Immerse 360 design, by acting like a high-performance musical instrument type of soundboard, actively solves multiple sound reproduction problems (as detailed in Principle #2 and this Principle #3), without needing to employ any audio trickery or acoustic tradeoffs used by other audio technologies.
Full-scale 3D music, game and movie holographic soundscapes
Immerse 360 users can now authentically create their own full-scale, spatially-real, 3D music, game and movie soundscapes 360-degrees around them.
- It works automatically and can be used with a nearly unlimited variety of audio content and sources.
Unlimited audio sources
Using unlimited sound source options, as one example, the TigerFox Immerse 360’s signature upgrades are universally delivered to the listener in full resolution-enhanced 3D surround sound regardless of whether the audio sources happen to be from:
- Smartphones
- Home audio systems or stereo music players
- Digital media players (like CDs, DVDs, LaserDiscs)
- Game stations (like Playstation, Xbox, PC, etc.)
- Streamed games (like Twitch, YouTube, Facebook)
- Surround sound or home theater systems
- Content downloading devicesTurntables (vinyl record players)
- Stereo sounds, 3D sounds, ambisonic sounds, object-based sounds, HRTF modified sounds, quadraphonic sounds, including their different formats
- Desktop computers, laptops or tablets
- Professional or home mixing stations, etc.
The original audio sources are untouched, left 100% in their original condition, with their audio content preserved, resolution-upgraded and delivered with sounds positioned in their exact locations as they were originally produced. Nothing missing, reduced, distorted, or lost.
Principle #6 – The transformation of the highly-complex and expensive audiophile listening room – into a simple, modular and affordable pop-up design with improved audio quality.
The Immerse 360® transforms two conventional loudspeakers and small spaces into a pop-up:
- Portable audiophile music listening room
- Pro-level full surround sound gaming room
- 360-degree cinematic home theater
All in under 3 minutes and at an unprecedented low cost.
TigerFox® refines extreme COMPLEXITY into bullet-proof SIMPLICITY.
- It is the goal of quality modern design to develop a product rigorously enough before it’s introduced to where it becomes elegantly simple to use.
- However, high performance audio products are normally extremely complex, time consuming, and often frustrating to set up and use.
Design engineers explain that: “Developing and delivering one simple and stress-free solution to complex problems, especially many problems at once, is the essence of quality innovation and design”
The struggle to acoustically improve and physically simplify the TigerFox® Immerse 360®
The ultimate goal of the TigerFox® Immerse 360® is jaw-dropping sound that’s simple-to-use, multi-purpose, compatible and affordable.
The objectives of best quality audio (aesthetic) and functional simplicity (structural) of the TigerFox® Immerse 360® design is to provide one high-performance best quality audio solution to the five complex sound reproduction problems that, at the same time, is elegantly-simple, affordable and user-friendly for all.
This includes guaranteeing flawless, full-surround audio results for high-performance music, video games and movies, both for beginning audio consumers as well as seasoned audio professionals, of different backgrounds, application needs, and experience levels.
Background for this design and development is detailed across this document (Principles #1 – #8).
Overcoming earlier struggles and failures
Original designs worked exceptionally well acoustically, however with up to 42 different parts, many were:
- Complex
- Cumbersome
- Had durability and design issues, and were
- Expensive for general listeners
making most designs unsuitable as viable, dependable and affordable designs for the majority of music, game and movie lovers.
Radically improving the quality, structure and design
To radically improve the audio quality, the design, and make the acoustic structure complexity-free, simple-to-use and affordable for general listeners, seven years of testing, development and precision refinement resulted in 624 different versions.
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During the development and refinement of these 624 different versions:
- 92 different shapes, sizes and designs of differing complexities were comparatively tested.
- 26 pairs of loudspeakers and 13 pairs of headphones of different types, quality levels, costs, and ages were tested and compared.
- 32 different audio and acoustic materials were evaluated.
- Music, video game and AV home theater content, sources and media of widely diverse categories and genres were tested for playback compatibility and enjoyed as high resolution 3D audio experiences
The result:
- Music, video game, and AV home theater content, sources and media of widely diverse categories and genres were found to be fully compatible with the Immerse 360.
- The number of component parts were decreased from 42 down to 2.
- The Resonite acoustic material was chosen for its lightness of weight, extraordinary durability and its ultra-high audio performance. The structural size and shape evolved into a highly-versatile portable pop-up design.
- The original complex setup and operation were streamlined, made exponentially simple, user-friendly, and 100% repeatable.
- The consumer price was reduced by 530%.
- The quality of three-dimensional audio playback, realism and the pinpoint positioning of sounds increased to the ultra-high-performance level.
- The applications suitable for the design were expanded to include high-performance music, video game, movie, and pro-audio applications, and many others.
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Simplicity, adaptability, and versatility became the reality – not only for audio professionals, mixers, audiophiles, and home studio applications – but for audio beginners – who need simplicity – and who simply love their music, video games and movies.
The result: The Immerse 360 – the 624th revision.

The TigerFox Immerse 360’s use of flawless acoustical physics delivers unmatched three-dimensional realism, the accurate positioning of each individual sound around the listener, and the authentic 360-degree immersion of live sound.
These and additional provisions of the Immerse 360 design are detailed below.
ONE simplified organic “pod” design
The TigerFox Immerse 360 (Version #624) provides ALL of the following:
1. The Immerse 360’s elliptical physics design is automatically acoustically-perfect and provides audio realism a full 360-degrees around the listener.
It delivers the authentic, original and complete three-dimensional music, video game and movie sound field and soundscape in all directions around the listener as it was originally produced.
2. Exact pinpoint positioning of each individual video game, music and movie sound in all three dimensions and in real time.
The Immerse 360 positions audio in three real dimensions around the listener with accurate sound distances, angles, directions, elevations and movements.
- This includes audio nuances like “shades”, “colors” and “textures” that are otherwise muddled together from speakers alone.

3. Natural full-surround immersion.
Provides total 360-degree immersion within video games, music and movies.
4. It solves, corrects and removes Speaker-Room-Interaction
This includes removing audio quality degrading interferences, out-of-sync “noises” and the audio problems and added costs associated with trying to control Speaker-Room-Interaction.

Up to 98% of the:
- Audio information
- Live sound details
- Acoustic energy
normally discarded and lost by virtually all loudspeakers and prior loudspeaker technology are automatically preserved and not lost, damaged or corrupted with the TigerFox Immerse 360.
“Speaker-Room-Interaction” is detailed in Principle #2.
5. It cancels audio damaging Crosstalk

Crosstalk is a previously unavoidable and universally damaging loudspeaker sound reproduction problem that is fully corrected by the TigerFox Immerse 360.
(Crosstalk is detailed in Principle #2).
6. It captures and preserves massive quantities of previously lost and damaged Indirect Sound.
It does this while Indirect Sound is still in its original pure form.
- It then seamlessly integrates the Indirect Sound with the speakers’ Direct Sound with no added audio time-lag or delay.
- The result delivers both the speaker’s Direct Sound and Indirect Sound joined together and intact to the listener in their original high-performance pure form.
(see Principle #4 for details on how TigerFox does this)
7. Its headphone-free design allows the listener comfortable, unobstructed, natural hearing.
It provides the listener with the organic and genuine experience of unobstructed natural hearing. Open hearing allows recorded sounds and audio to naturally “bloom” in the wide open space around the listener.
This natural organic audio experience allows for extended entertainment times, including the option for longer, more real and deeper music, gaming and movie sessions.
8. It’s structurally and operationally bullet-proof for users at all levels with virtually no “learning curve”.
The design is dependable, tool-free, easy, pre-arranged, simple and standardized.
9. It’s able to provide new audio benefits for both the user inside the system and those outside of the system. For example, it:
a. Reduces surrounding loudspeaker sound spillover to other family members and neighbors outside the system
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- TigerFox uses its sound-blocking soundboard module to help keep-in high quantities of loudspeaker sound – thereby reducing audio annoyance to those located outside of the system.

Sound to outside is lowered
- The result decreases by more than half the sound penetration through the surrounding soundboard module by 18 decibels (18 dB).
- This reduces unwanted sound spilling over to nearby non-listeners located outside of the system.
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b. The TigerFox modular soundboard, at the same time, significantly improves the audio for the user INSIDE the system.
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Even though the audio level is substantially reduced outside of the system, the TigerFox double-ellipse surrounding soundboard, and its “Super Sweet Spot” design, does not reduce the audio level to the user inside of the system.
Instead, the design delivers a full volume of enjoyable music, video game and movie audio experience to the user inside the system, while reducing the overall volume level and power requirements of the sound source.
- These improvements allow compact and lower cost speakers; reduced amplifier power; and a lower system volume setting.
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See how this is done in Principle #2

Keeping out intrusive outside sounds, clutter and visual distractions provides exclusive focus on your game, music or movie
c. The TigerFox Immerse 360 pure acoustic audio system provides some thoughtful new benefits, including the experience of:
- Total physical immersion.
- Visual, auditory, and subliminal isolation from the surrounding real world.
- A resulting closer focus and more powerful engagement with one’s games, music and movies.
How the Immerse 360 does this:
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First, it physically blocks-out, isolates, turns OFF, and consciously (and subconsciously) separates the user from their surrounding familiar real-world environment, its visual intrusion and its interfering distractions.
The brain is constantly taking in distractions from the surrounding real world that conflict and intrude upon one’s virtual experience.
- To effectively do this, the TigerFox Immerse 360 is designed to keep OUT surrounding visual sight, light, movement and outside sound distractions. –This disconnects these attention-distracting visual, aural and subliminal interferences from the user’s perception and virtual experience.
- The result creates a visual and auditory void, “blank space”, or empty canvas by physically blocking out the real-world environment surrounding the user.
- The reason this works is because the brain is constantly working subconsciously to suspend belief of a virtual experience with its distractions and conflicting information from the surrounding real world.
Second, the TigerFox Immerse 360 fills-in this newly created sight and sound empty canvas 360-degrees around the user with the authentic three-dimensional sound field of the user’s games, music and movies like never before.
Third, the coordinated result causes the user’s full sensory and total attention to be directed, centered and focused exclusively on the game, music or movie creating a more powerful, convincing, and unencumbered pro-level experience.
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10. It reveals more of the artists’ and audio engineers’ vision and original work.
It adds three authentically-real dimensions to their work, allowing the user to experience a closer, more powerful connection to their favorite artists, music, games and movie content.
11. It automatically adapts to the latest technology.
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This includes immediate use with smartphones, tablets, computers, the user’s own speakers (only two needed), external monitors, along with a wide variety of new and older – even obsolete home and professional audio electronic devices and sources.
The design also universally uses both analog and digital content and sources with no upgrades, updates or added costs needed.
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12. The design does not require surround sound speakers, headphones, or any high-performance audio equipment.
It’s lightweight, portable and ready for immediate use out-of-the-box.
Like a simple folding chair or yoga mat, it’s designed to be quickly and easily setup and used virtually anywhere and anytime. Then quickly folded or rolled-up and put-away when not in use.
Simple organic pod-like design pops-up in 3 minutes – with guaranteed perfect results every time.
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- Unroll the pre-configured 3 Minute Setup Mat anywhere on the floor – preferably near your audio-video system (for example, centering it in front of your flat screen TV)
- Position your desired two speakers at the two positioning marks on the setup mat and place your preferred chair along the mat’s center line.
- Unroll the super lightweight precision soundboard module that’s fully pre-assembled and place it around the mat’s positional indicator marking. Done in 3 minutes!

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The portable TigerFox Immerse 360 was designed to give you space flexibility with the freedom to fit your lifestyle, entertainment and space needs.
- Today’s lifestyles and living spaces demand better use of entertainment and work space, yet today’s consumers want and expect a bigger and more immersive performance experience in their video games, music and movies.
- Many homes and apartments, however, do not have extra space for a separate gaming room, home cinema room, high-performance music listening room or pro-audio home mixing studio.

Frees-up valuable living space
13. It provides full backward, forward and cross-platform compatibility
(Further detailed in Principle #7)
14. The design is ideal for high-performance professional three-dimensional full-surround sound feedback, editing, mixing and mastering applications.
(See the Pro Audio page for professional applications)
15. It’s rigorously-logical, sustainable and elegantly-simple design uses recycled and recyclable materials and it requires no added electricity, additional power or purchases.
16. It’s no-nonsense design is fully-developed and refined down to include no extraneous components or unnecessary add-ons.
17. Its function and components are designed to never get old or wear out.
It has:
- No operational costs
- No added software requirement, apps or menus to learn
- No early obsolescence.
18. Extraordinary, comparative, and long-term value.
When objectively compared to the actual cost typically required to achieve its quality level of audio excellence and full surround three-dimensional presentation, the pure acoustic design of the TigerFox immerse 360 delivers an unprecedented value compared to its actual cost.
For example, it eliminates:
- Surround sound speakers
- Center speakers
- Special hardware and electronics
- Their wires, wiring and connective cables
- Installation time, cost and confusion
- Room sound absorbers
- Sound corruption from Crosstalk
- Audio quality lost by uncontrolled loudspeaker sound dispersion into the surrounding room
- Sound damage from Speaker-Room-Interaction
- Dedicated listening room or home theater permanent room space requirements
And because the TigerFox Immerse 360 upgrades audio using only connection-free 100% pure acoustics, it universally upgrades your audio’s:
- Quality
- Performance
- And its value.
This includes comprehensively upgrading even low cost media sources and playback equipment by universally adding to them:
- Exact 360-degree sound positioning accuracy
- Revelation of audio details missed by other technologies
- Authentic sound stages and soundscapes around you as they were originally produced
- The unique feeling and emotion of live three-dimensional sound
- Latency-free, real-time audio integrity
- Full-surround total hemispherical immersion
These are automatically added to your content, media sources, playback equipment and your experience of every sound, detail and nuance heard from them.
This is further detailed in Principles #1 – #5.
KEY TAKE-AWAYS from Principle #6
Delivers a true $100,000 audiophile level experience for less than $500.
In summary, instead of spending vast sums of your time, energy and money sealing-off and preparing parts of your current living space for a special high-performance permanent listening room – or building one from scratch – the TigerFox Immerse 360 simply cuts all that out.
Its portable listening room design has been specially prepared to pop-up in any available small space in under 3 minutes.
And, for a one time cost of less than $500 with two of your current speakers, it delivers an exponential gain in full-surround audio quality performance that outperforms even the most complex and expensive audiophile listening room and surround sound designs.
This is further explained in Principles #1 – #7.
Principle #7 – Immediately works with existing content, hardware and sources with no upgrades needed
TigerFox Introduces UNIVERSAL 3D Stereo
TigerFox solves the prior inability to deliver a real full-surround 3D audio experience from just two speakers and one’s present stereo content and playback system.
The amazing transformation of ordinary two-channel stereo into full-surround 3D holographic stereo.
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The full-surround spatial dimension of stereo – including its entire surrounding ambient energy field – has always been in the two stereo sound signals themselves.
The audio industry just hasn’t discovered how to authentically deliver this lost spatial dimension around the listener until now.
Introducing “3D Stereo” – TigerFox’s patented pure acoustic solution to the spatial completion of stereophonic sound reproduction.
TigerFox accomplishes this by using pure acoustics to solve the industry’s prior inability to deliver ordinary two-channel stereo content as a real full-surround 3D audio experience in every direction and dimension around the listener using just two speakers and one’s present unaltered stereo content and playback system.
Two-channel stereo is generally accepted to be the universal compatibility standard for the entire audio industry.
Conventional two-channel audio or “stereo” has been the universal de-facto compatibility standard for most audio produced over the past 60 years worldwide.
And, it is the standard playback system used for the best quality audiophile music.
Yet, up to this time, this universal “stereo” standard has been considered “flawed”
The audio industry generally accepts that stereo sound itself, when played back through loudspeakers, is considered lacking and damaged for many of the reasons explained above on this “How Is This Possible?” page. However:
Stereo sound is not flawed, lacking, or lossy. Nor is it damaged.
The pure acoustic technology of the patented TigerFox Immerse 360 now conclusively proves that standard universal compatibility stereo sound, including stereo content and sources, are NOT flawed, lacking, lossy, or damaged.
The problem is not in stereo itself, stereo content, or its sound signals.
The problem is the inability to reproduce ordinary stereo sound and conventional stereo content in its original three dimensional form around the listener – without the added sound damage caused by five unsolved electronics-related sound reproduction problems (detailed above in Principle #2) that have plagued the audio industry since loudspeakers and stereo were first invented.
Two stereo speakers, the Immerse 360 and ordinary stereo content, for the first time, work like your natural two ears to deliver the essence of live sound.
During sound reproduction, the TigerFox Immerse 360 automatically adds highly valuable and indispensable spatial and ambient components of live sound back into ordinary stereo sound playback – upgrading universal stereo up to best quality full-surround 3D Stereo.
It’s just like how your two ears can immediately determine the location of virtually any sound 360 degrees around you, including its precise direction, distance, height and movement.
You can now hear these same full live sound qualities with just two stereo speakers, ordinary stereo content and the TigerFox Immerse 360!
Two stereo speakers and the Immerse 360 now deliver all around you the full hemispherical soundscape built into your music, video game and movie soundtracks!
The TigerFox Immerse 360 is automatically backward, forward and cross-platform compatible.
The TigerFox® Immerse 360® uses a wide range of current, as well as older, video game, music and movie content, technologies, hardware and sources without having to update them first.

Immediate unrestricted compatibility with your content, hardware and sources
As detailed above in Principle #5, across-the-board incompatibilities, format wars and limited-to-nonexistent content and sources have been the normal reality for new audio electronics and improvements.
This meant a prior requirement to update older hardware or sources, or purchase new compatible upgrades, often with limited available content, added complexity, and higher costs.
No Requirement to Upgrade
- Because the TigerFox Immerse 360 itself – and the pure acoustic powered audio upgrades it provides – are completely independent from the content, hardware and sources, it avoids the electronic incompatibility problems and content void that are normally associated with upgrading to newer high-performance audio experiences.
- This allows the Immerse 360 to be immediately compatible with limitless content, hardware and sources. The result automatically and fully upgrades one’s available and existing video games, music, and movies to the Immerse 360’s signature full-surround 3D audio experiences.
– One only needs to use one’s as-is, available and existing content, hardware and sources.
– These is no requirement for any updates, upgrades or added costs.
– Future and yet-to-be invented content, hardware and sources will also be compatible with the Immerse 360 because of its separated and independent 100% acoustics-only delivery system.
For example, the Immerse 360 is automatically compatible with different types of popular software, hardware and media, including online services like:

Pinpoint positions sounds from these and other sources in three dimensions around listener
And on the hardware side, TigerFox Immerse 360 is automatically compatible with different types, makes, models, price, age and quality levels of:
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- Loudspeakers and subwoofers
- Desktop speakers and studio monitors
- Stereo receivers and amplifiers
- Smartphones
- TVs, HDTVs and cable boxes
- Audio file formats
- Entertainment platforms
- Digital, analog, and A/V devices
This is more fully explained in Principles #2 and #5.
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The TigerFox design adds ultra high immersion to your content and sources

What is Ultra High (U.H.) Immersion?
Ultra high-quality immersion (U.H.Immersion) of the TigerFox Immerse 360 is a Super Sweet Spot of enhanced total immersion surrounding the listener.
U.H.Immersion goes far beyond simply providing three dimensions of audio around the user.
It delivers immersion in such a natural way that one’s games, music and movies are now experienced as one completely interconnected three dimensional landscape of sound extending out in every direction.
The result gives video games, music and movies an upgraded holographic dimension that delivers the genuine sensation of live sound happening all around you.
- Each individual game, music and movie sound is now experienced coming from its authentic physical direction, distance and real spatial location.
- For the first time, you can clearly hear what you never knew you were missing before.
Two Levels of Ultra High (U.H.) Immersion
Level I for Gamers, TV and Movie buffs (
Level II for Music lovers (
The TigerFox Immerse 360 delivers two levels of ultra high (U.H.) quality immersion.
Simply position your two speakers at slightly different pre-marked locations on the 3-Minute Setup Mat.

Different speaker positions deliver different levels of Immersion
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- U.H.Immersion Level I is indicated by the icon
on the 3-Minute Setup Mat.
- U.H.Immersion Level II is indicated by the icon
on the 3-Minute Setup Mat.
– Simply moving your two speakers further apart or closer together at these pre-marked symmetrical locations provides two different levels of U.H.Immersion and the best audio results for your content.
– Both U.H.Immersion Level I and Level II can be achieved in less than a minute and both provide superior immersive experiences.

Immersion Level I – for ultra high (U.H.) immersion video game, movie and TV experiences (
U.H.Immersion Level I is provided by moving your two speakers to the icon position on the 3-Minute Setup Mat.

- U.H.Immersion Level I (
) accommodates viewing a large screen television monitor or other viewing device between the two speakers while keeping it clear of the Immerse 360’s entrance.
– This provides the monitor’s best horizontal eye-level viewing angle while keeping it clear of the Immerse 360’s entrance.

- Level I provides the visual monitor’s best viewing experience with the combined Immerse 360’s full surround sound experience
- The result delivers an unequalled game playing, cinematic and TV experience in three real dimensions around the user.
Immersion Level II – for special ultra high (U.H.) immersion music listening experiences (
Moving the two speakers closer together to the icon position on the 3-Minute Setup Mat provides U.H.Immersion Level II.

- U.H.Immersion Level II creates a deeper acoustic effect to capture the more complex immersive nuances of music.
- The result automatically upgrades your music to the holographic three dimensional level for the ultimate best quality and the most intimate music listening experience.
Adding customized levels of immersion
Enjoy experimenting to experience different customized levels of immersion for your particular speakers, monitor size, and for your favorite type of game, music and movie experience.
After becoming familiar with Immersion Levels I and II, feel free to customize and compare different levels of immersion simply by moving your two speakers anywhere along the pre-marked lines on the 3-Minute Setup Mat (shown below in red).
- To insure symmetry, just remember to position both speakers at the same line location on each side of the centerline

To create a custom level of immersion, choose any speaker location at any point along the lines (shown above in red) on the 3-Minute Setup Mat
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Immersion Level III – Interactive immersion – available soon
Without needing to change anything, TigerFox Immerse 360 users will soon be able to convert both immersion experience Levels I and II and your customized levels of immersion into different levels of interactive ambient and immersive experiences.
- Added adjustable acoustic soundboard “wings”, available soon, will allow Immerse 360 users to add a personalized level of ambient control and adjustable interactive immersion.

Level III – Interactive Immersion
This provides an added level of ambient character and atmosphere refinement to one’s overall acoustic experience.
This acoustic performance upgrade allows the listener to fine-tune control one’s music, video game and movie experience with different types of immersive ambience for different types of acoustic spaces, for example:
- For fine-tuning one’s particular content to a more open-space immersion experience like that experienced in large outdoor concert events.
- Or, conversely, for fine-tuning one’s content to a smaller ambient space like experienced in the inner sanctum of an intimate jazz club, etc.
Speaker upgrade, interchange and customization options
The Immerse 360 is designed to be used with one’s favorite two loudspeakers.
This comes with the option and the ability to quickly interchange, upgrade, customize and test – at will – different sizes, types and audio qualities of loudspeakers and subwoofers.
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- This includes most conventional and professional stereo speakers of most sizes, types and ages, as well as most “near-field”, desktop, and full-range speakers with the option of adding one or more subwoofers.
This means the signature 3D sound advantages of the Immerse 360 can be experienced with an almost unlimited selection of loudspeakers and subwoofers to suit one’s level of audio performance, individual budget, and one’s personal listening, video gaming and movie watching preferences.
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Use your own speakers
Because most conventional loudspeakers and monitors work perfectly with the Immerse 360, consider using your favorite pair with the Immerse 360.

One’s favorite two reference speakers can be used with the Immerse 360
- This includes using one’s present audio content and mix – without alterations or special processing – for accurate professional mixing and critical review work.
Test and upgrade different components quickly and easily
The Immerse 360’s fast setup and broadly compatible 100% pure acoustic design allows the universal option of quickly and easily testing and interchanging different:
- Types, makes and models
- Cost and quality levels
- Newer and older
speakers; music, game and movie content; and electronic hardware, including different digital, analog, and streaming technologies and equipment.
This also allows Immerse 360 users to customize and upgrade current electronic equipment and media components to different and higher performance levels.
Double-click to see different speaker-stand arrangement options
The Immerse 360 design and its signature audio and acoustic improvements will continue to work with new, different and upcoming video game, music and movie content, hardware and sources indefinitely into the future.
- The Immerse 360’s acoustic design automatically auto-upgrades to continue to accommodate newer and future (yet-to-developed) content, hardware and sound sources.
Principle #8 – Uses a new pure acoustic wireless technology and sustainable, affordable design.
The TigerFox Immerse 360 is environmentally-responsible.
Its pure acoustic green technology is built from the ground up to:
- Be sustainable, energy saving and deliver an energy-free full surround audio presentation
– This is 100% accomplished using only the captured pure energy of precision acoustics alone.
– NO electricity, electronic manipulation, software or alternate power source is used.
- Make full use of recycled and recyclable materials
- Be light-weight, modular, built to last decades and take-up no permanent space
- Deliver a best-quality full-surround audio performance.
- Provide an affordable upgrade kit to the true high-end audio and audio/video experience.

TigerFox’s new pure-acoustic green energy technology converts previously wasted energy into amazing 3D audio experiences.
The TigerFox patented pure acoustic audio system salvages and upgrades vast amounts of previously wasted energy. (Learn how TigerFox does this in Principle #2)
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- Using precision acoustic technology, TigerFox transforms the speakers’ previously viewed-as-valueless and damaging acoustic energy into high value acoustic energy that simultaneously solves and corrects five previously unsolvable sound reproduction problems.
- The result provides an affordable upgrade kit that automatically upgrades the audio quality, accuracy, realism and full-surround immersion of countless:
- Music tracks
- Video games
- Motion pictures
- Streaming service content
- Over-the-air sports events
- Live broadcasts of musical events
- YouTube content
- Commercial presentations
- Cable television programing
many going back decades
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A sustainable, green, energy-reducing high-performance value that never stops delivering and never needs updating.
A perfect fusion of nature, science and electronics that respects the earth.
The Immerse 360® is designed to use absolutely no electricity to deliver its many signature audio and acoustic benefits that are detailed in Principles #1-#7.
It reduces the need for sound reproduction equipment and energy across the board.
- As detailed in Principle #2, the Immerse 360 fully optimizes massive quantities of overlooked sonic energy – upgrading it for the first time into high-value acoustic energy.
- The TigerFox Immerse 360’s energy-conserving technology permits fewer, lower power and more energy efficient power amplifiers to replace high numbers of higher power and lower efficient power amplifiers.
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In addition, its environmentally-friendly manufacturing practices are specially designed to minimize the number of needed component parts and maximize the utilization of materials and components that are sustainable, green, long-lasting and earth-friendly.
This includes 100% recycled, recyclable and E-waste-free materials and components.
Sustainable design is electricity-free, E-waste free and obsolescence-free.
Furthermore, the Immerse 360’s cost and permanent space-saving portable design (Principle #6) extends the user’s initial monetary investment – helping to turn it into a virtual life-time investment with exceptional performance value.
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- It’s a zero-energy acoustic-only design that:
– Never stops working and has no obsolescence.
– Requires no new content, content updates or added media costs to make it work.
– Requires no new audio sources, source upgrades or added expenditures.
– Uses a rigorously simplified function that fully operates with a minimum quantity of materials and components, yet it delivers an uncompromising audio performance.
The result provides both audio professionals and beginners with a totally-new category of sustainable sound delivery, value and long life.
Furthermore, it is built to continue to add unprecedented value to one’s entertainment content, sources and experiences into the extended foreseeable future.
KEY TAKE-AWAYS from Principle #8
The TigerFox Immerse 360 is intentionally designed as a sustainable product that provides full acoustic operational performance while also using eco-friendly manufacturing practices, materials and components that:
- Uses fully recycled and recyclable products and raw materials that are fabricated and made in America.
- Beneficially converts massive quantities of previously lost, damaging and discarded sonic energy into highly valuable sonic energy.
- Instantly and economically increases the quality, performance level and value of loudspeakers and all audio electronics, content, file formats and sound sources heard through loudspeakers.
- Uses zero power itself and no electricity
- Doesn’t require wasteful or unnecessary parts or add-on components
- Fully utilizes the user’s existing (and even not-yet-existing) audio electronics, media, sound sources and content
- Never needs updating itself, its components, the content and file formats it uses, nor its sound source electronics
- Employs a simple, portable pop-up design that transforms a small temporary 4-foot x 5-foot space into a pro-level full surround gaming room, music listening room, home theater or professional mixing studio with guaranteed perfect audio results for professionals and beginners
- Takes up no permanent space and frees up the space it occupies in under 2 minutes for other functions and uses
- Requires no maintenance, servicing or replacement of worn-out parts
- Is designed to be used indefinitely at full performance level with no end-of life obsolescence.
- Contains no hazardous ingredients, components or E-waste materials.
A/B Testing the TigerFox® Immerse 360®
Rated a best realism, sound positioning, and immersion experience by virtually everyone who has comparatively tried it
During product development and while beta testing the Immerse 360®, audio experts, video gamers, sound engineers and music lovers tested the TigerFox Immerse 360 in comparative audio performance A/B listening tests with spatial audio content and from a variety of sources.
They universally prefer its realism, pinpoint sound accuracy, and total hemispherical immersion over other audio technologies, products and systems for music, video game and movie audio
We encourage you to test and compare the acoustic performance of the TigerFox Immerse 360 for yourself.
Let us know your comparative immersive experience.
A sample of a comparative audio A/B listening test with tips for objectively evaluating its performance results, are included below for your convenience.
Audio Performance A/B Listening Test and Comparative Ranking
Comparative A/B performance tests try to repeat the same audio content while keeping as many of the important variables the same.
It’s a simple, fair, reliable and universal way to compare the audio performance of different audio products and systems against each other in a standardized way.
For example, to test and compare the audio performance of the TigerFox® Immerse 360® against:
- High-performance stand-alone stereo hi-fi loudspeaker systems.
- Headphones, headsets and other ear and head connected audio devices.
- Surround sound systems, including 5.1, 7.1, 9.1.4, sound bar arrays, and high speaker number movie theater systems.
- Stand-alone high performance
- Audiophile/professional listening rooms, etc.
Tips for Best Objectivity
The listener (preferably with a background in audio, without hearing problems, and blindfolded if possible), critically listens comparatively to the same audio variables on the two different audio systems being compared.
The test uses the exact same audio content (especially content the listener is very familiar with) from the same audio source and at the same approximate sound relative volume level.
The listener listens to both audio systems as close as possible in time to each other. The listener then describes the sound differences on a 1-10 number scale (10 = best).
A comparative checklist (some questions to ask the listener):
1. In your opinion, how well does the sound compare to hearing actual live sound that you may recall hearing (recently), for example, at a intimate jazz club or live concert?
- Perform both A and B tests independently, using a 1 – 10 rating (Later compare A vs. B).
2. How clearly do you hear individual sounds spatially positioned at different exact physical locations around you? (A vs B) For example:
- Can you hear sounds directly in front of you? (A vs. B)
- Side locations? (A vs. B)
- Over your head? (A vs. B)
- Directly in back of you? (A vs. B)
- Can you hear sounds moving around you? (A vs. B)
3. How comparatively realistic do the sounds appear to you? Do they appear coming from an actual physically-real space? Can you point out the individual location around you that you hear them coming? (A vs. B)
- For example, do they appear at a realistic direction and distance from you? Do they appear coming from above or below you?
- How three-dimensional or holographic do they appear? (A vs. B)
- How well can you physically point to where they are? (A vs. B)
- Do moving sounds have an appropriately smooth and continuous movement around you with an equal volume level? (A vs. B)
4. Do you hear any off-sound artifacts or acoustic inaccuracies? (A vs. B)
5. How comparatively immersive is your overall acoustic experience? (A vs. B)
6. How do you comparatively rate the overall qualities of the sound (mentioning the specific sound qualities or asking the listener to name the qualities they are thinking of) on a 1 to 10 point scale? (A vs. B)
7. If you have had prior audio experiences listening to or hearing that particular sound or audio track, how would you rate the overall quality of the sound or recording you’re hearing now compared to your best remembered prior hearing of that sound or recording? (A vs. B)
8. Which overall experience do you like best on a 1 to 10 point scale? (A vs. B)?
Add up the numbers for each.
Ensure that the total count of numbers for both A and B are included for all questions (don’t leave any A or B questions blank).
After adding up the total numbers for each A and B, compare their A vs. B results.
For the most objective results, finish both A and B performance tests first before putting a final comparative number on either A or B.
If you were just asking for the results of one test by itself (without a comparison); that is, if you were Independently rating an audio system, an “absolute” 1 to 10 point scale helps determine its individual acoustic performance.
However, when doing an A/B comparative performance ranking of sound qualities between two similar or different audio systems, it greatly helps objectivity to finish both performance tests first BEFORE giving either of them their comparative A/B performance number.
This is because any 1 to 10 number that’s given for an individual performance rating alone (without comparing it to something else) may need to be comparatively adjusted up or down after both audio technologies or systems have been tested to evaluate them objectively and properly.
That is, some people will rate A a 10 when it’s tested first. But if they think B is better on the second test, they then have no number higher than 10 for B. They then need to reduce A below 10 to provide a fair and objective comparative answer to “B”.
This experience has happened over and over again when they first evaluate another product first and then give a number for the Immerse 360 second. They weren’t prepared for what they were going to hear and they end up having to lower their first rating.
What represents a 50% overall comparative performance improvement?
Using the above 1 to 10 point scale, if the listener gave A = 6 and B = 3
This represents a 50% performance improvement by B over A.
Explained: 50% of 6 is 3. A rating of 6 for B therefore represents a 50% improvement by B over the 3 rating for A.
While doing these comparative performance tests, don’t forget to enjoy the experience and have fun!
The Immerse 360 adds a quality level of audio performance realism, sound positioning accuracy and authentic three-dimensional immersion to your video games, music and movies, and to the audio and video media used with them.
Experience the TigerFox® Immerse 360® For Yourself
Try-out the actual experience with a full 60-day no-risk home trial.
There’s nothing as good as trying out for yourself, at no risk to you, a new cool fully captivating experience with your own video games, music and movies.
To help make this happen for you, during our product rollout we’re including continental US FREE SHIPPING.
With that and our 100% satisfaction guarantee, you have a full 60 days to experience for yourself the added three dimensional magic you’ve been missing from your video games, music and movies.
Click below to order your risk-free 60-day trial now.
TigerFox® guarantees you a breathtaking full-surround 3D audio experience for your music, games and movies with live sound realism, exact sound positioning, and unmatched full-body immersion. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

Spread the word about the TigerFox experience
Every effort is being made in this document to explain this revolutionary new pure acoustic TigerFox technology.
This includes what’s new and different about it, how it works, how well it works, and how it compares to other technologies.
Please let us know of any confusion or gaps that need further clarification so we can continue to update this document with added clarity as we go along.
And, if you have had a demo in TigerFox Immerse 360 yourself, please pass the word to your friends, family and colleagues about your experience.
And don’t miss our special offers!