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TigerFox Trademark or Copyright Use Inquiries and Marketing Requests
TigerFox Trademark and Copyright Inquiries
If you have any questions concerning the usage or licensing of TigerFox copyrighted or trademarked materials, for example, website information, images/illustrations, video footage, photographs, TigerFox advertisements or other TigerFox content, please first refer to the Guidelines for Using TigerFox Trademarks and Copyrights and Intellectual Property Rights pages on this TigerFox360.com website. Then submit your detailed request in writing to our TigerFox Marketing Team at: TigerFoxCustomerService@gmail.com. Please be sure to include the following helpful information:
- Specific image(s) and/or material(s) for which you are seeking permission
- Surrounding copy or text to the TigerFox image and/or material you wish to use in your project
- Publisher, if applicable
- Publishing date (and countries), if applicable
- Title of the work
- How TigerFox and its products fit into your project
- Your deadline
- Your name, title, phone number and email.
- Include any question or additional information.
A marketing team member will contact you back ASAP.
For your reference, a copyright can be an original work of authorship including literature, music, website content, photographs, videos, etc. A copyright is a property right to these original works of authorship. Copyright is recognized in most countries of the world by statutory copyright laws.
TigerFox Marketing Requests
If you have any questions concerning marketing or advertising requests (which may include promotions, giveaways, sponsorship, product placement and partnership requests) please email your request to our TigerFox Marketing Team at: TigerFoxCustomerService@gmail.com. Please refer to the Guidelines for Using TigerFox Trademarks and Copyrights page on this TigerFox360.com website prior to sending in your request and include any relevant information itemized in the above list.
Thank you.
The information contained in this section is subject to change without notice.
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